Solo Build it Review : Wealthy Affiliate Does The Job Better

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Welcome to my Solo Build it Review. In this review, I am going to compare Solo Build it with another platform that has almost the same training so you can make the right choice.

Solo Buildm It ReviewThe platform that I am going to compare too is called Wealthy Affiliate (WA) I have to be honest I am a member of WA.

I can tell what you think but this review is not a selling speech or promoting WA in anyhow I just realized that if some search in Google or other Search Engines.

The keyword Solo Build it Review or is Solo Build it a scam or related keywords to this platform is hard to find the right information.

All the review you will find it for the Solo Build It Affiliates who want to convince you to join the platform and get commissions for it.

It is better to have all the options on the table so you won’t be misleading, maybe you are saying I am doing the same thing.

Hey! Wealthy Affiliate is free to drive test it. if you decide to join it I won’t get any commission until you decide to upgrade your membership.

You can also decide no upgrade can you see the difference. Anyway, the truth needs to be told.

Therefore, I am going to give you an honest review of Solo Build It aka SBI and tell you why I choose Wealthy Affiliate.

By the way, Wealthy Affiliate Membership is $49 per month and yearly membership is $359.

Solo Build It Membership is $29.99 per month and yearly Membership $299 is very affordable even though I still did not choose them.

Why? You find out late in this review. Stay Tuned

What is Solo Build It (SBI)?

Solo Build It is all in one online platform that provides to it is member training called Action Guide, Tools ( web hosting, web builder and Keyword research tool) and Support to build your online business from scratch.

Ken EvoyThe platform was around since 1997 and it was found by Ken Evoy who is CEO of SiteSell Inc the company is based in Montreal Canada.

The website used to be called the Site Build it and the rebrand the name to Solo Build It in the year 2017. Why? I do not know!!!

All I know is that in this online business when a company has too bad review they always rebrand their name to run of the bad review

But the business concept remains the same like Affiliate Institute was Global Affiliate Zone in 2015 and it was part of the pyramid scheme

AWOL Academy a high ticket Affiliate Marketing Training the rebrand to Fullstaq Marketer.

Wealthy Affiliate still has the same name since 2005. Just put that in mind!!!

This review will be all about Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate. It just small detail that makes a difference.

How To Sign Up with Solo Build It?

You can visit and you can subscribe to their membership that you will cost you $29.00 per month and 299.00 per year.

You will also be cover by the 90-days money-back guarantee you can buy with your credit card on with your PayPal.

There is also another option to pay offline you will need to call Solo Build It for the payment details and you can fax or email your proof of payment.

Like I said before is all about Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate. You can also signup with Wealthy Affiliate.

But they have free lifetime membership up to 10 lessons to drive test the program.

You have one website to start your online business until you decide to upgrade to a premium membership which costs $49 per month and $359 per year.

How Does Solo Build It Works?

As a business owner or a newbie Solo Build It will help you to understand how to start your successful business online.

It is all in one platform for Solopreneur you will find all the tools necessary that will help you to build a strong foundation of your business.

Solo Build It teaches 4 processes to build any business online which is:

C-T-P-M called it the proven way to build any business online. I agree 100% with this process.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches the same process. But when you look at these two screenshots below which process makes more sense or easy to understand?

The C-T-P-M Stand for Content-Traffic-Presell-Monetize I will explain it below:

1. Content: ( Create In-Demand Content)

You find this Solo Build It Reviews simply by searching it on Google or other Search Engine just by me writing this content.

Convert your knowledge into in-demand Content that users are looking for on the internet.

2. Traffic: ( Attract Targeted Traffic)

The fact that you are visiting this blog post is called traffic. Why is Targeted Traffic?

Because you were looking for information about Solo Build It or Compare Wealthy Affiliate to Solo Build it and you find it.

There are tons of products or information that people are looking for online you can build a business around it.

3. Presell: ( Presell Those Visitors

If you were looking to join Solo Build It or Wealthy Affiliate then you will decide base on this review.

That is the presell and there is a lot of products online that you can review and presell it to your targeted visitors.

4. Monetize: (Monetize Presold Traffic)

This the last step if you master the C-T-P is easy to monetize.

Therefore, if you find this Solo Build It Review useful and you will probably be going to buy it or chose between SBI and WA.

The question you may be asking is how can I make money? The entire business idea is based on Affiliate Marketing.

Therefore, if you sign up through my link I am going to get a commission.

However, if you have your product or service the all process remains the same.

You can just need to master the C-T-P and the M will be easy.

All the Solopreneur are doing this process and you can see many videos on YouTube it is just a strategy to drive traffic that can convert to buyers.

Solo Build It Training, Tools and Support.

C-T-P-M it is just the process that you need to apply to your online business you will need the training, tools, and support to succeed with your business.

Let look what Solo Build It offers:

Solo Build It Training.

Once you purchase the training you will have access to the Action Guide (AG) it is 10 days training but do not mislead that you can start making money within the 10 days.

However, you will need to work hard and create good content that is going to attract visitors and the more money you make.

What is Action Guide Teach?

First, you will get an introduction to the process of building your online business which I already explained earlier in this SoloBuild It Review the C-T-P-M

Day 1: Master the All-important Basics

Understand the foundation of the online business which is building your website and the introduction to SBI Forum to get help.

Day 2: Develop your best site concept

This all about choosing your NICHE what are your content will be all about or what are you going to sell online.

Day 3: Brainstorm more profitable page topics

Learn how to choose your keyword that people are looking for on the Search Engine. Basically what your potential audience wants.

Day 4: Investigate and plan monetization options

What problems your audience has and provides solutions. Reassess your NICHE if it has enough solution to monetize from it.

Day 5: Refine your site concept and register your domain name

Identify your business brand and register a domain.

Day 6: Build a site that gets the click

Design your website that can be found on the Search Engine. Register it with Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Day 7: Build free traffic from a variety of sources

Understand the importance of getting free traffic for Search Engine, Social Media and optimize your content for the SEO

Day 8: Develop relationships

Understand the importance of social media, blog posts, and email lists. In sort be an influencer.

Day 9: Know your visitors

Understand what your visitors what and give it to them.

Day 10: Monetize

This is the final step you have all the setup and traffic is time to make money.

Therefore, if you decide to sign up you will get in deep training that I help you to kick off with your business and make money online.


To build a strong business online you will need tools that will play a good role in your success.

Solo Build tools are:

  • Brainstorm It! (Keyword/Niche Research Tool)
  • SiteDesigner (Website Templates)
  • SiteBuilder (Drag and drop page builder)
  • Business Center
  • Traffic Center
  • Page Manager
  • Info Center
  • Download Center

However, Solo Build It is a website is built on SiteSell which is Drag and drop page builder and the Wealthy Affiliate website is built on WordPress.

WordPress is the most popular platform online content management system that thousands of people across the globe used to create websites and blogs.

The website that is built with WordPress is performing much better and it is SEO friendly compare to SiteSell and Google algorithm is based on the website performance.

Therefore, if you build a website that performs good google will love it and it will rank high in the Search Engine.

You can read this post to see the difference between Sitesell vs WordPress.


Solo Build It has 27/4 whenever you need help you can reach to them and get the help you can also rely on the forum and answer questions.

But Wealthy Affiliate has live chat where you can interact with other members whenever you need help and the co-owners Kyle and Carton are more active in the platform you can always reach out to them.

How to earn with Solo Build It

If you follow at the setup you can build a successful business online but you need to put in mind that it comes with a lot of hard work and be consistent with your content.

Your question here is how you can make money with Solo Build It? You can also decide to promote Solo Build It and earn commissions whenever someone signs up with your link.

Therefore, you can also choose a NICHE to promote Solo Build It and write content about SBI this NICHE is called making money online.

However, there is too much competition in this NICHE it will be very hard to succeed special if you are a newbie.

But it is not impossible to succeed if you put in hard work and it is very profitable NICHE. Everyone wants to make money online.

How Much Solo Build It Cost?

I have answered this at the beginner of this review of Solo Build It. I will answer this again it will cost you $29.99 per month and $299.00 per year.

Trust me it worth it to invest in this cost. You can find the same training someone else and they do not provide any tools at $11k upward I have reviewed many of them.

Like Affiliate Marketing Mastery, Super Affiliate Network and more. You can go and review and you be surprised how much the same training can cost somewhere.

Solo Build It vs Wealthy Affiliate

You will know the difference of both platform and why I choose Wealthy Affiliate some reason is complete my option and others are fact base on ranking in google.

The reason I choose WA is also base on the language I am French speaking some of you are reading this Solo Build It Review you have realized that.

Some grammar error nothing stop me to make money online

Some word that Solo Build It is using is hard to understand but this completely my opinion.

Plus I am not English-speaking but I understand the term and word that Wealthy Affiliate use.

I have tried to test my website speed on Google that I host with Wealthy Affiliates and build it with WordPress and compare it to Solo Build it.

WA win SBI you can check the screenshots below.

Wealthy Affiliate Google Speed Test

Solo Build It Google Speed Test

Website speed is part of the Google Algorithm if your website slows is not user friendly and you affect your ranking.

When it comes to building a stream of income Wealthy Affiliate is the best you can build up 25 websites in a different niche but with SBI you can only build one.

How Much Can I Earn with Solo Build It?

You can earn as much as you want do not get me wrong all depend on how many traffics you are getting the more you get the more money make.

They are people who are making a lot of money with the internet 6 to 7 figures. The online business model is a multi-millionaire industry.

You can promote anything online Book, Laptop, Software, TV and anything you think of plus you are promoting it all the worlds and everyone can buy it.

Can you see your income potential and why I said you can make as much you want!

However, if you ask me how much I am making you can check up My Top Recommendation and see how I quit Uber Eats with the same business method.

Is Solo Build It Worth it?

Of course, the training, tools and support very are worth it and it will be a good investment if you want to learn and start your online business.

However, you have to consider everything that I mention in this Solo Build It Review the training is top class.

But I think Wealthy Affiliate is better than them. But there is always a room of improvement

This is just my option and I have shown you some fact also but if you do not have the budget you can still learn and achieve a lot with SBI

What do I like about Solo Build It?

A platform like this there is more you can like about it special when it is on the internet I have seen a lot the high ticket.

  • Affordable price
  • In deep training
  • Tools
  • Support 24/7

What I Do Not Like About Solo Build It?

Online business is built on small details plus all the sites will depend on free traffic and google algorithm is affecting sites that are not user-friendly. Using WordPress is a big advantage.

  • They do not use WordPress
  • Show slow site on google speed test
  • One Niche website

Solo Build It Complaints

Can You Get Rich with Solo Build It?

You did not skim this review than you do not your answer to this question and you are not serious lol. Just kidding

The platform provides quality training and if you master it you can build a successful business online.

Therefore, also Join Solo Build It Affiliates and promote the training and make commissions like said if you follow the Action Guide and implement everything you learn.

To answer that question. Yes Solo Build It training can make you rich but success depend on how much effort you put in to build your online business

Is Solo Build It a Scam?

There is a lot of scams on the internet it is even hard to know what is legit and what is a scam.

By reading this Solo Build it you can tell that the platform is legit and they provide quality training that you can build a solid foundation of your online business.

Therefore, if you are looking for overnight success or a get-rich-quick scheme Solo Build it is not what you are looking for.

But you can follow the Action Guide (AG) you are more likely to succeed.

My Conclusion about Solo Build It

If you have read Solo Build it Review until here I am sure you have made already your decision and you also understand the concept of building your business online.

Therefore, if you do not have the budget to join Wealthy Affiliate you can still build your online business with Solo Build it

But, you won’t have the same advantage like build your website with WordPress and which is google SEO friendly.

Again if you are looking to build a stream of income in different NICHES Solo Build It you can only have one website but Wealthy Affiliate you can have up to 25 if you are a premium member.

Your Feedback Regarding My Solo Build It Review and What is Your Experience

Thank you for stopping by I love you all and I wish good Solepreneur success and choosing the right platform to build your business.

When it is the time for me to hear for you do agree with my Solo Build It Review?

Do you have experience with SBI please leave your comment bad or good it will help someone to make the informed decision.

Please click the Social Media Share Button to share it with your friend and family who might need to read this.

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