How to make money anywhere in the world

How To Make Money Online From Anywhere In The World – [4 Proven Steps You Need To Know]

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How To Make Money Online From Anywhere In The World?

In today’s digital age, the opportunities to earn a living online are endless.

Whether you are a freelancer, digital nomad, or aspiring entrepreneur, there are countless ways to make money online from the comfort of your home or while travelling the world.

Today I will show you the 4 most important steps to help you make money online from anywhere in the world.

You must follow those steps carefully

I make passive income following the steps that I will show in this article…

But I have to warn you, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme or overnight success. It requires more time, hard work, focus, and determination.

If you are looking for overnight success or a get-rich-quick scheme, this article is not for you.

Crack The Code: Master The Art Of Making Money Online

The ability to make money online is becoming an essential skill for anyone looking to supplement their income or transition to a fully remote work lifestyle

Some of you were directed to my website while searching for product reviews or information on the internet.

Others were searching on Google or other Search Engines “How To Make Money Online From Anywhere In The World”?

Google Search: How To Make Money Online from Anywhere In The World

And then you land on my website.

To earn money online, you must assist individuals in locating desired information or reviewing some product on the internet.

Let’s consider social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

These platforms excel at facilitating connections, while Google effectively helps users find precisely what they need.

I won’t tell you to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or create your own Google. It’s a very complicated process unless you are a genius.

Finding your purpose and helping people solve their problems in the online world will lead to making a lot of money online.

Google’s search engine helps people find almost anything on the internet.

You are reading this article because you searched for information on Google.

Google earns a lot of money from this because they have created a platform to help billions of people find what they need.

You need to build a blog page or website to connect and help your audience find solutions in a specific niche.

There are billions of people on the internet who need some help.

If you can reach them using Google and other search engines and solve their problems.

Then you can build a very profitable business online and make money while you are sleeping

I am confident that you will find this article full of valuable information. This is how I assist my audience in finding what they need while also generating income.

I will explain everything in more detail. Right now, let me clarify where people waste most of their time online and earn close to nothing.

Understand the Online Time-wasting to Make Money and Avoid It

Understanding the online time-wasting platform that can prevent you from making decent money is crucial for success in today’s digital world.

I was wasting a lot of time on the internet completing online surveys and other tasks that paid close to nothing.

Most beginners waste time online completing surveys instead of learning to make money.

The owners of survey websites understand how to help people.

They develop websites designed to boost your income, and the majority of users are highly content with their earnings.

Guess what?

They are maximizing your time to make the most of their money. Let’s analyze together where people waste most of their time online.

Online Paid Surveys

There are hundreds or thousands of survey websites.

All those websites work in the same way if you have used one then you know how the rest operate.

Other websites like SurveyTime and are survey panels you can find a lot of surveys that make you a few bucks.,, and are Get Paid To (GPT) websites besides completing surveys you can also find some tasks that you can do such as:

  • Playing Game
  • Complete offers
  • Watching Video
  • Other tasks

You could spend the whole day on those websites completing tasks, only to earn less than $5.

The owner of these websites is making hundreds or thousands of dollars per day by doing nothing but using your time and paying you a pittance for each task.

Reward Apps

Reward Apps also work similarly to those survey websites.

It’s all about marketing. Master your skills and think creatively to reach more people, and you’ll make a lot of money online.

You can find thousands of those reward apps on Google Play Store and App Store.

Buzzbreak rewards people with points that you can exchange for money just by reading the news.

Some website owners pay Buzzbreak to promote their news and newsletters to drive traffic to their websites.

Buzzbreak will find some people who need to earn extra money to read the news.

Many apps like Cashkarma and Appkarma, reward people to do small tasks online.

You can easily make money with those apps just by downloading other apps.

The app owners directly pay reward apps to ensure people download apps and receive rewards for doing so.

The more people who download those apps, it helps them to increase the download rate and build some sort of trust online.

You can also make money by watching videos, playing games, and completing surveys.

But you cannot rely on those apps to pay your bills and some apps are completely a waste of time.

You can earn $0.01 to $0.1 per task and to reach a dollar you need to complete 100 tasks.

Paid To Click (PTC) website

There are also some website that pays people for click ads. Paidvert and PTCshare are specializing in that.

You can earn $0.01 to $0.2 just by clicking ads.

Advertisers are paying a lot of money to promote their products and services on Paidvert and PTCshare platforms.

By clicking those ads they are indirectly promoting those products to you.

Paidvert and PTCshare are helping advertisers to reach their products to people around the world.

People who sign up with those websites are helping those owners to make passive income by clicking those advertisers’ ads you find inside Paidvert and PTCshare.

But you need to click more than 100 ads to make a dollar.

Is it worth wasting much time just to earn $1?

At the end of this article.

I am going to show you how you can partner with Google AdSense and Mediavine and start earning $50 to $100 per day with ads.

You do not need to click those ads other people will do it for you and make money while you are sleeping.

Multi-Level Marketing

This is also other marketing strategy companies like Amway, Herbalife, Royal Prestige and other companies use to increase sales and revenue.

The big problem with this business model is that 99% of distributors make close to nothing.

Those companies offer their distributors various incentives such as discounts, cars, houses, and other perks to motivate them to work hard and increase sales.

Some distributors end up purchasing their products just to qualify for incentives, while others pressure their friends and family to buy their expensive products.

The multi-level marketing companies make distributors believe they are business partners, but in reality, they are just loyal customers who repeatedly purchase products.

The waste part of this business model could harm your relationships with friends and family if you try to recruit them to join your team.

The more people you recruit the more money you make.

For me, Multi-Level Marketing is equal to a Pyramid scheme.

I’m pretty sure you have tried one of those methods to earn extra money and you have realised how much time did you waste.

Now let’s talk about the real deal…

Unlock The Secret: How To Make Money Online From Anywhere In The World In Just 4 Steps!

In today’s digital age, making money online from anywhere in the world has never been easier.

By following just four simple steps, you can unlock the secret to financial freedom.

But I would be lying if I said this will work for everyone.

Some people enjoy completing surveys, watching videos, and doing other simple tasks to earn extra money.

If you are the type of person who can benefit from these websites mentioned above, you can earn some extra money by completing tasks online.

Therefore, if you want to earn real money online, you need to step out of your comfort zone and work hard.

If you are willing to dedicate time to learn and commit, you can potentially earn a substantial income, even replacing your primary source of income.

I have seen people quit the 9 to 5 job and work full time online with those steps I am going to show you in just a moment.

I am going to break down those steps in a simple way so everyone can understand them.

4 steps to make money online
4 steps to make money online

Step 1: Choosing your NICHE

This is just your interest, your hobby, or your skills in professional terms we call it a NICHE.

My niche is to help people to make money online.

Yours can be helping people to lose weight or dating.

This can be anything that you love or other things that you are interested in.

It can be also cooking, dancing, singing, sports or anything.

Just think about something that people need or struggle with, and you can provide a solution.

Remember, it’s about helping people first, and money comes after.

Therefore, if you do not understand this step or are confused, the Wealthy Affiliate will help you identify a profitable NICHE that can lead to building a successful online business and making passive income.

Step 2: Build your Website

After choosing your NICHE you need to build a website that can reach your audience.

Always remember your job is to help people on your NICHE website and the more people you help the more money you can make.

I know people are scared of the term Website.

We are in the 21st century where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is helping many people you can build websites nowadays with few clicks.

You do not have to be techy.

Wealthy Affiliate platform can build your website in less than 60 seconds.

Step 3:  Get Traffic (People to visit your website)

You will need to start generating organic traffic to your website by writing quality content that people are searching for on the internet.

Traffic means people who are visiting your website.

Fortunately, Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other Search Engines will send you free traffic to your website 24/7.

If you are reading this article, it means that this method works, and it will work for you if you take massive action and implement those steps to start making money online.

Since I have been in this making money online industry I thought people would be more worried about building a website I was very wrong.

People are more worried about writing content and what to write.

rocket science

You can review a lot of products online and help people in their decision-making.

Look at how many emails you respond to today, how many WhatsApp and other messages you respond to today!

That alone can be simple content that will help you make passive income in the comfort of your home.

In the beginning, your writing won’t be that good!!!

But with time you will improve it.

I am a French speaker sure you will find many spelling and grammatical errors that do not stop me from learning, writing and achieving my goals.

Step 4: Making Money

You are probably wondering how I can make money without selling any products.

You do not need any products or buy products for sale.

Let me explain this very well.

You already have your niche and your website (which serves as your online foundation or font store), and now you need to create high-quality content that people are searching for on the internet.

If your NICHE is about Vegan Diets for example.

Vegan Diet – Niche

Then you need to write useful content for your audience about Vegan Diets.

You can talk about:

  • Vegan Diet Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Vegan Diet and Cancer
  • Vegan Diet and Weight Loss
  • Vegan Diet and Diabetes
  • Vegan Diet Benefits

There are a lot of things you can talk about and you can also create a YouTube channel to speed up the process.

Once you start getting that traffic (Visitors) you can partner with Google AdSense, Mediavine, and other ad managements.

They will place display ads on your website so you can start monetizing your content with ads.

Let’s say you have 20 to 50 quality content that ranks well on Google and receives a lot of traffic.

You can make around $25 to $100 per day even more with display ads.

It all depends on your niche and where your traffic is coming from.

Below is the estimated Google Adsense revenue:

Estimate Google AdSense revenue
Estimate Google AdSense revenue

This is how you can make money while you are sleeping.

Another way to make even more money online and build 5 to 6 figures online is through Affiliate Marketing.

There are a lot of companies that need to partner with website owners and start promoting their products on your website.

Affiliate Marketing Revenue Source
Affiliate Marketing Revenue Source

Once you partner with those companies they will give you an affiliate link that you will place on your website.

An affiliate link is like your ID those partners can track every sale that comes from your link and it looks like this

Affiliate Link
Affiliate Link

When someone clicks on that link it will redirect them to the company selling page and once they buy those products you are promoting on your website will make commissions.

As you can see below I am making commissions almost every day.

My Affiliate Commissions
My Affiliate Commissions

There are many products that you can promote on your website and start making money.

If your website is about losing weight then promote weight and fitness products and recommend your audience the product that you are promoting.

It is very easy to convert more sales because most of the people who are coming to your website need to lose weight and be fit.

Does it make sense for you now? When I was talking about choosing your NICHE…

There are many ways you can build a stream of income online with your website.

Better yet you can do this without meeting anyone and you do not even need to talk to anyone.

All you need is your laptop and internet connection. This is the best way to make money online anywhere in the world.

How To Make Money Online From Anywhere In The World – Final Verdict

To make money online from anywhere in the world you need to follow the simple process and commit to it.

People are over complicated things on the internet and making money online become almost impossible.

Therefore, if you follow those 4 important steps and master them making money online becomes easier.

But, I have to warn you this needs initial work before you start seeing money coming in.

You can also check out My Top Recommendation platform for tools and step-by-step training on how you can build a niche website and make passive income with your laptop and internet connection.

Those steps are very simple to follow.

But they can also be very hard and complicated if you do not know what you are doing and what content to write for your website to rank on Google and other search engines.

They are also some competition in every NICHE and there are also other facts that can affect your website.

If you want to make money online and have financial freedom and even quit your 9 to 5 job.

You can sign up for My Free Affiliate Bootcamp for the step-by-step training.

I will also help you through this online journey until you make your first $1,000 online.

Heck! I am not promoting a Get Rich Quick Scheme or Overnight success.

You will need to fully commit and follow all the instructions you reach your goals. I have seen a lot of people register with training and fail to complete some simple steps.

If you are the kind of person who cannot follow simple instructions please do not bother to register for the training.

One thing is you cannot make any money if you do not take any action or follow the training.

Making money online also depends on your mindset how active you are in training the amount of work you put on your website and the action you take.

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15 thoughts on “How To Make Money Online From Anywhere In The World – [4 Proven Steps You Need To Know]”

    1. I see! It is always a hustle to find a legit way to make money online plus they are many programs that can waste your time. If you follow those steps you can build a stream of income online but you need to be a bit patient. This is not overnight success or get rich quick scheme. If follow all those steps and put in the work you can make passive income online using your laptop and internet connection.

  1. Hello sir good morning,I’m from philippines and just glad that i’ve read this article today,My 1st question is there a website/domain to register for free?2nd Do you have another website concepting like by this article to make you money?(im just want to visit if you have) 3rd question is where can i find the full training?

    1. Yes. You can have a free website but it will be on the subdomain like

      If you are serious about making money online I will advise you to buy your own domain and it will cost you $13.99 per year. I do not understand your second question if you want to make money online you need to follow all the 4 proven steps that I explain in this article completing those micro-jobs or spend time on your paid survey website won’t give you financial freedom.

      If you need a full training on how to build a revenue website you can register by visiting I will help you step by step until you make your first dollar online. But it is not an overnight success or get rich quick scheme. If you follow all the instruction and you take action you will make passive income from home.

  2. Thank you for this sound information.

    I totally agree that survey sites are a total waste of time.  You spend ages filling out boring surveys for a tiny return.  And half the time the availability of surveys is so low that none are available to make any income worth talking about.

    I therefore agree that affiliate marketing is the way to go.  You are in control and you decide when and how much effort that you want to put into your business.

    1. I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, some people are still busy completing those boring surveys and earn a penny while they can just switch things around and start making decent money.

  3. I have to say that I am getting tired of this 9-5 and a second job grind. Thanks for sharing this information on how to work anywhere in the world! I can relate to you, I used to do Uber Eats in Manhattan and that was not fun when I have to deliver food while trying to avoid getting a ticket. I have to say that I will be better at having my website and giving out the content that helps people than doing the MLM. I am going to check out the free training and take it from there. 

    1. Go ahead and check the free training. You will need to take action if you want to escape the rat race of the 9 to 5 job. But it is not an overnight success or get rich quick scheme you actually need to set up a long-term goal and work toward it.

  4. It is certainly the ideal of many people to make money online from wherever they are in the world. Filling in online surveys take a huge amount of time, and most of them pay peanuts. So when it comes to time versus value, online surveys are at the bottom of the list for me. And that also goes for MLM companies. But thankfully we do have other options with affiliate marketing and Wealthy Affiliate.

    1. You are absolutely right! Filling in online surveys takes a huge amount of time and the reward is not worth it. I think MLM is a good strategy for the owner to suck more money into the distributor’s pocket. Affiliate marketing is the best business model that will recommend everyone to do.

  5. Hello Mr. Chanda,
    This is an awesome article on the 4 important steps to make money online. I remember a couple of years ago when I was struggling to make money online, but never had the opportunity to read an article like this. I like the way you break down the 4 steps; choose an interest, build a website, attract people and earn money.
    I wish I knew all these three years ago. I think there has never been a better time to stumble on a piece of information like this that will help us build our own online business from the comfort of our homes. I’m doing all that he said in this article right now, and I will encourage anyone who’s thinking of starting their own online business to contact Mr. Chanda for help. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you for stopping by I am glad you find this article interesting. Many people are looking for a way to make money online but they do not know which steps to follow and many of them are wasting time on completing surveys and other tasks that pay little to nothing.

  6. Hello Mr. Chanda,
    This is an awesome article on the 4 important steps to make money online. I remember a couple of years ago when I was struggling to make money online, but never had the opportunity to read an article like this. I like the way you break down the 4 steps; choose an interest, build a website, attract people and earn money.
    I wish I knew all these three years ago. I think there has never been a better time to stumble on a piece of information like this that will help us build our own online business from the comfort of our homes. I’m doing all that he said in this article right now, and I will encourage anyone who’s thinking of starting their own online business to contact Mr. Chanda for help. Thank you so much.

  7. A website’s success depends entirely on getting traffic. In order to build traffic you absolutely have to offering an answer to peoples questions. People find websites because they’re looking for something and google or another search engine directs them to your site. You have to provide a solution or answer to what people are looking for or the site will fail. 

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