Elite Inc Review For Neil Malan – Scam or Legit Training

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Hey folks, welcome to the unbiased Elite Inc Review for Neil Malan. Today you are going know what is inside Elite Academy and what Neil Malan really teach.

In this Elite Inc Review, you will learn:

  • If Neil Malen can help you make money online
  • If the Elite Academy training is still effective in 2020
  • The common complaints people have about Elite Inc
  • If the whole thing is legit or a scam

I reviewed all the Elite Academy training materials, so I can give my reader an honest Elite Inc Review that will help you to make an informed decision and decide whether to enrol with the training or not.

Let drive right in and see what you need to expect in the training. You can also download my free guide that will help you to understand the entire process of making money online.

What Is Elite Inc?

Elite Inc is an online training platform and resources that teach entrepreneurs how to build a profitable, high-growth digital marketing business.

The company was found by Neil Malan and I tried to check if the company is registered with the CIPC ( Companies and Intellectual Property Commission).

I did not find any record maybe they are registered with another name. Let me clarify this, not every company need to register with the CIPC unless they need some government support.

Who Is Neil Malan?

Neil Malan

Neil Malan is the found and CEO of Elite Inc recently he launched a software called Elite Funnel. The software aim is to help entrepreneurs to build websites without any coding.

Neil Malan is a marketing specialist with a 12-year background and he claimed to be a millionaire at the age of 26 running his own company.

On his LinkedIn profile, he claims to work with Jay Abraham and Tony Robbins. I am not here to dispute that. But I researched on Google and Youtube I did not find any information to prove that.

I also tried to find Neil Malan net worth no result. What I can say is Neil Malan is or was a member of Clickfunnel and he is trying to duplicate what he learned from Russell Brunson and using it here South Africa.

How To Sign Up With Elite Inc

You can visit eliteroadmap.co.za and you will land on this landing page below where Neil Malan is explaining what you need to expect on Elite Academy training.

Neil Malan Presentation

You can click yes watch the online training and you will need to provide your name and email address as shown in this screenshot below.

Elite Inc Training

Then you will have access to the Neil Malan presentation. He is explaining the online business concept in 30 minutes.

Elite Inc Presentation

At the end of the presentation, You will need to enrol for the training that will cost you R495.00 per month.

How Does Elite Inc Work?

Once you enrol to the training for R495 per month you will have access to Elite Academy course. You will need to understand that there is too many hidden cost in this training and it can cost you a fortune.

Elite Academy training is divided into 4 modules:

1 Digital Roadmap

This is the introduction to an online business where you will learn the main concept of online business.

Below is what you will learn in the Elite Inc Digital Roadmap

  • The three keys to online success
  • The seven online business models
  • How to pick the right business model for your needs
  • How to simplify your online tech and avoid overwhelm
  • How and where to find online clients for your new business
  • And so much more…

2 Breakthrough Coaching Call

After completing your Digital Roadmap training, you will have access to the one-on-one coaching session.

The Coaching will include:

  • A detailed look at your income requirements and goals
  • Custom guidance on what business model to adopt
  • A plan to help you achieve your goals the fastest

3 Elite Funnels

This is a website and funnel builder. You will have a FREE 14-day trial after that you will need to choose a plan that you can go with.

Below is the Elite Funnels Pricing

Elite Funnel Prices

You will also get full training on:

  • Elite Funnels foundations training
  • Build your first website – step-by-step guidance
  • How to build an eCommerce store
  • Building courses and memberships
  • How to build a high converting sales funnel
  • And so much more…

We are not longer in 2000. Today you can build a stunning website without coding and WordPress have over 50,000 free plugins that can do the job.

An Elementor also has a beautiful template and mobile-friendly you can install it for free on your WordPress website.

For me, Elite Funnel is a bit overpriced.

Anyway, you can have a beautiful design website but if people do not find it on the search engine or you do not know how to drive traffic then you do not have a business.

The most important thing in online business is traffic (visitor) without it even if you have the fastest website you got no business.

But a fast website is part of Google Algorithm and most website build with WordPress are fast and also rank high on Google and other search engines.

4 Traffic Courses

This course Neil Malan will teach you how to drive traffic with the paid version. This is the fastest way to reach potential clients.

You will learn:

  • Google Advertisement

  • Youtube Advertisement

  • Twitter Organic

  • Linked Advertisement

  • Instagram Advertisement

  • Affiliate Marketing Program

Like I said before this is the fastest way to get traffic to your website. But you will need to have a lot of budgets those platforms are not cheap anymore.

If you do not play it well it will affect your ROI.

Neil Malan will teach you how to get free traffic to your sale page by having an Affiliate Marketing Program. Letting people promoting your business is called Affiliate Marketing is the best way to make more sells without spending more on ads.

You just need to invite other people to promote your product/service and pay them a commission. Therefore, if you have a great digital product/service that you want to sell it all over the world you can register with Clickbank as a vendor.

The advantage of selling your product/service on Clickbank they are many affiliates around the world and they ready to promote your product/service.

All my online income comes through affiliate marketing but you do not need to create a lower quality product for the sake of making money.

Affiliate also, look at the quality of the product if the product is a low quality no one will promote it. They will be many people asking for refunds and Affiliate will lose money if they are using paid traffic.

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What Is The Elite Inc Refund Policy?

If you still have a doubt about the training the best way is to try it and decide if it is what you need. Elite Inc has 30 days money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with what Neil Malan teach.

But for me, 30 days is not enough to drive test a program. I think Elite Adecamy should have a free version for people to try and decide if they should enrol for the training or not. Mercedez, BMW and other brands let you drive test their product before you buy.

It should be the same for online training. By the way, if you want to know how to build an online business and you want to drive test it before you enrol. You can try 10 free online training that will help you understand how to build an online business step by step.

Is Elite Inc Training Worth It?

The Elite Academy training is more for a beginner who wants to understand the online business. I do not think you can build a profitable business with what Neil Malan and his team are teaching.

To build a successful business online or become top online marketer you will have to build a brand through content marketing. You have to understand that people nowadays do not subscribe for service to someone they do not know or trust.

First, you need to provide value to your potential client through content marketing. It is about building your brand. Content marketing takes time and there is no shortcut to it.

But it is a very successful approach that most successful Digital Marketer likes Neil Patel, Brian Dean and others rely on it.

They do not just throw money on the paid traffic however most of them focus on organic traffic (free traffic) that why you will find a batch of video on youtube. Do you think those people are wasting their time with free video tutorials on youtube or content that you find on google?

Big No! They are building their brand and Elite Inc does not teach that.

Is Elite Inc training worth it? Yes, only for beginners who want to understand the online business.

But not for someone who wants to build a solid business online or improve their Digital Marketing strategy. By the way, you can find all those pieces of training on youtube for free.

If you want to build a successful Digital Marketing Agency I will recommend you the Digital Course Secret for Kevin David.

Kevin David teaches you how to find your potential clients using his software called MarketingMagic and offer them a free service at the first attend.

It is about providing value to your client first. Once you have scored some points then you can propose them to manage their marketing campaign.

By the way, if you have an online business and you want to increase lead and revenue you will need to have MarketingMagic it will simplify your business.

Elite Inc Complaints

There is no such thing as a perfect company for the simple reason you can not meet all your clients’ expectation. I have found some interesting Elite Inc complain on Hellopeter.

I will examine some complaints with screenshot that I found on Hellopeter for you to decide what is your deal-breaker. Shall We?

Pushy Sales

Elite Inc Pushy Sale

Dishonest Reviews

As you can read on this screenshot most the Elite Inc Reviews that you find on their Facebook Page, Google and other platforms. They are not honest review most of the students are told to leave a positive review on those platforms.

Elite Inc Fake Review

Do not ask a sensitive question

Elite Inc has a Facebook Group where Neil Malan is the admin. You can not allow asking a question about the success rate and how many people are making money with the Elite Academy training.

Elite Inc Group Banned

Is Elite Inc A Scam?

Elite Inc is a legit training platform that can give a lot of value and skill to your knowledge. It will be too harsh if there is someone out there calling Elite Inc a scam.

Can I recommend someone to enrol with elite Inc? Not yet! The training is very basic and a bit updated. Neil Malar need to improve many things on this training. He needs to teach his student The Customer Purchase Lifecycle and how to build a brand.

Customers buy to someone they trust and know. It is hard for a company to trust a complete stranger with their marketing.

Yes paid traffic work but you will be trowing a lot of money on ads and it will hurt your ROI because you do not have a customer base. Content Marketing is what will help you to build a brand and build a strong foundation for your online business.

How I Make Money Online?

I have built a stream of income on the internet. I make money with Affiliate Marketing by writing content that people are looking for on the internet.

You were looking for Elite Inc Review or Elite Inc a scam. some relate terms to Elite Inc and you land on this post.

I have more than 200 posts on this website some has affiliate links. Once someone clicks on those link and buy the product with my links I get a small commission.

You can also look around this post there is Google Ads. If you find the product that you are interested in and click on it google will pay me.

Although it does not pay much I have more than 200 posts and get a lot of free traffic to my website. I can make between R350 to R500 per day with google ads.

This is called making money while you are sleeping. I do not spend any cent on ads. I write quality content that people are looking for on the internet.

If you are reading Elite Inc Review it means it works and it can work for you.

Final Verdict

Elite Inc is in a good NICHE of teaching entrepreneurs to build an online business and I like the idea. People are making a lot of money online and you can live the laptop lifestyle and have financial freedom.

But to build a successful online business need time and effort. Most importantly you need to know how to drive traffic (visitors) without it you do not have a business.

Building an online is not about design beautiful website. What is the point of having a beautiful website where no one can find it on the Search Engines?

Yes, paid traffic can help you make a few sales. But what will help you to build a successful business online is content marking. Unfortunately, Elite Inc does not teach his student how to build a brand through content marketing.

Therefore, if you want to build an online business with internet and Affiliate Marketing. You can download MY FREE GUIDE and understand the entire process.

Your Elite Inc Review

Are you a student of Elite Inc, or have you been in the past? Please consider leaving a review below good or bad does not matter so long as it is helpful to my visitors.

Thanks for your support!

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5 thoughts on “Elite Inc Review For Neil Malan – Scam or Legit Training”

  1. Hi there,

    I would like to know if I signing up with you will assist me in setting up more than one company or will I need to pay for each company everytime?

    If I have most of my ideas in place, how many hours a week would I need to before I can get this thing up and running off the ground?

    1. You can sign up for the free training and understand the concept of building an online business first once you understand it you can choose your NICHE and there is also a training that will help you to choose a Profitable NICHE. You can set up more than one business but I will advise starting with one once you start generating traffic and revenue than you can set up other business.

    1. That is a lot of money to start an online business. I know Neil Malan training only teach how to spend money on advertisement most of the people do not have the budget to spend money on ads. You can also learn how to do content marketing that will cost you nothing. Please try this free training and understand how you can start your online business that will cost you less than R1000 per month

  2. Dear Mr. Chanda,
    Thank you for this awesome article, it is very insightful, however, is your article based on your own experience or is based on the competition in the digital marketing arena? can you please help to understand this point that Niel Malan expresses in his book and i quote “Businesses that send their owner back into traditional employment with their tail tucked between their legs fail for a variety of reasons.
    Maybe the owner picked a cheap commodity product to sell, like
    plastic bracelets or information products. Or they tried to compete
    in a wickedly crowded industry like life coaching. Or worse, they
    started a business in a fading niche, like affiliate marketing, where
    the glory days are running out fast.
    Of all these mistakes, that last one is the worst—trying to force your
    way through the window of opportunity after it’s closed. ”
    Waiting to hear from you soon before joining your community

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