FullStaq Marketer Review

Fullstaq Marketer Review – Is Keala Kanae A Scam?

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Hey hustler! Welcome to my Fullstaq Marketer Review.

They are a lot of training today that claim to teach people like you and me how to start the Internet Marketing Business and make money.

Keala Kanae even claims that he can help you make $15,000 in the next 90 days that is bold claim Keala Kanae.

Fullstaq Marketer LogoBut for the newbies, they can buy this statement.

For someone like me who has been in this industry for a long time I am just going to shake my head, it takes time and hard work to make such money.

The reason why you are searching for a couple of Fullstaq Marketer Reviews you are aware of you can make money with the internet.

Therefore, you are a bit sceptical of the training and you what to know if Fullstaq Marketer is a scam or legit training platform.

That is the good way to start to find your answer there are many pieces of training online and you can not tell what is legit and what is a scam.

I would not hold you in suspense for a long time and until you have a heart attack. So I will have to answer this now so I can deal with other questions late in this review.

Fullstaq Marketer is not a scam it is legit Internet Marketing Training. But do I recommend it to people? No…. Why Franck stay tuned to find out….

What is Fullstaq Marketer?

Fullstaq Marketer is an online training and mentorship platform that teach and mentor newbie and advance marketer how to build a successful Internet Marketing Business.

Keala KanaeThe platform is own by Keala Kanae who is a successful internet marketer and he was featured in Forbes and describes as ‘the badass’ of freelance digital marketing and Keala Kanae has an estimated net worth of $5 million.

It was the co-founder of AWOL Academy. He decided to work apart with his partner Kameron George who is now part of the Affiliate Institute.

The reason behind their separation is unknown but I suspend that AWOL Academy was receiving too many bad reviews than Keala Kanae decide to rebrand it to Fullstaq Marketer.

You will have to be aware that this is a common strategy to those high ticket training platform they always rebrand the name to run away from the bad reviews but Wealthy Affiliate was in this business since 2005 and their name still the same.

How To Sign Up?

To sign up with Fullstaq Marketer you will need to visit the website www.fullstaqmarketer.com and click get started.

It will redirect you to another page where you will need to download an ebook called Freelance Marketing Secret.

You will need to provide your email address to download the free ebook, once you fill your email and click download.

It will redirect you to another page where Keala Kanae tell you to reserve seat for 2 hours presentation.

Fullstaq Marketer Presentation

Therefore, if you are interested you can reserve your set and you can select a date and time to attend the online presentation.

Once you did that you will need to enter your info to secure your seat which means your name, email and phone number.

The presentation is not live is recorded but I am sure it was live once. It is two hours presentation that Keala Kanae is explaining everything you need to know about the training and build your online business.

How Does Fullstaq Marketer Works?

I have found Keala Kanae video presentation that explained everything you will need to know about the training.

But do not get mislead but his marketing strategy you will need to read this Fullstaq Marketing Review until the very end to make an informed decision.

Fullstaq Marketer Product Line

The platform has 4 pieces of training only 2 is available right now as soon as the other 2 become available I will update this Fullstaq Marketer Review.

Fullstaq Accelerator (cost $997 once-off)

The training has 4 modules that will teach you everything to build a solid foundation as a successful Fullstaq Marketer.

You will learn the skill sets to create a high converting sales machine, from scratch, with any niche.

In this training Keala Kanae does not talk about traffic (visitor) without traffic you do not have a business which means you will need to also but the second training.

Let talk about the 4 modules:

  • Fullstaq 101

This training will teach you the foundation of freelance digital marketing (Internet Marketing) by completing a deep dive survey and 3 comprehensive training videos.

  • Fullstaq Onboarding

This will be an introduction to the Fullstaq Marketer community and other online entrepreneurs who support your vision of greatness.

  • Fullstaq Edge

This will be very important training that will teach the entrepreneur mindset without proper mindset you will never achieve anything like an entrepreneur.

  • Funnel Labs

This training will teach you step by step on how to create your sales funnel it also includes a conversion tracking system, lead-capture pages, email marketing and your website and domain name

Traffic Labs

This training will help you to generate traffic (visitor) remember without traffic you do not have a business. You will learn how to set up your:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Ads

The training focuses more on the Paid Ads that will cost you money. Learning how to generate organic traffic is very important and it will help you in the long run.

That where you will need Jaaxy the Keyword tool that will have you come up with low competition keyword for your website to be found on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other Search Engine.

Jaxxy is free if you are a Wealthy Affiliate Member and you will need for your Internet Marketing Business.

Conversion Labs

This training is not available now but the training will teach you how to convert your visitors and subscribe to the customer by integrating hypnotic language, live presentations, storytelling, persuasive copy, and more

Masters Labs

This also is not available they will teach you the greatest minds when it comes to money management, strategic tax planning, investing, and more so that you can continue to build on your business success.

How much can I earn with Fullsteq Marketer

Fullstteq marketer is the training program that teaches you to start your Internet Marketing Business, how much you will earn is absolute up to you and the effort you make to build your business.

The earn also depends on the NICHE (interest) that you choose if your NICHE is too competitive you will have a hard time and will take time to make money.

Therefore, if you have Keyword Tool like Jaaxy it will have you to find a keyword that has low competition for your website to rank high in the Search Engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

However, Fullstaq Marketer also has an Affiliate Program you can promote the training and earn commissions and the training is more focus on promoting Fullstaq marketer but the affiliate commission is not disclosed yet.

Is Fullstaq Marketer Worth it?

Besides the price and the upsells, this is a good training platform and if you follow at the training you will build a successful business online.

The training is very detail with a lot of value anyone can follow along and succeed. I hope I have answered the question.

Fullstaq Marketer training is worth it but the training does not worth $997 and other platforms like Wealthy Affiliate has the same training at $49 per month and you can drive test it for free.

What do I like?

There are many things I like about the training most specially Fullstaq Edge where Keala Kanae is teaching the entrepreneur mindset.

You will need it in this internet marketing business without a good mindset you will never achieve anything Keala has a degree in Psychology.

What I Do Not Like?

The training is overpriced with a lot of upsells. I am sure Keala understand the feeling of being broke and he was in that situation.

The reason I am saying that I was Uber Eats delivery and I also needed to live life on my terms and travel the world do you think I would have afforded a training like this? No.

Some of you will say life is not fair to everyone I agree but in the online world, training like this does not worth $997.

You can also find some material for free on the internet and Wealthy Affiliate training cost less than that and you will more tools, weekly webinar and live chat with other successful members.

Can You Get Rich with Fullstaq Marketer?

That is the good question to ask but you will need to be more concern about learning and develop a new skill that the training offer and it will lead you to build a successful business online.

Because you need this question to be answered I will say yes the Internet Marketing Business is a very lucrative business and many people have built 6,7 or 8 figures online business.

I hope your question is been answered but all depends on how much time you will invest in this training.

Therefore, if you are concern about making $15,000 in 90 days that Keala Kanae claim that won’t happen maybe within in year all depends on your time and effort unless you decide to throw some money on the Paid Ads.

Is Fullstaq Marketer a Scam?

The fact that Fullstaq Marketer is a rebrand of AWOL Academy it does not mean that is a scam and AWOL Academy was not a scam just those upsell thrown to people and created bad reviews on the internet.

I hope Keala Kanae has learned from his previous company and they will have less up-selling and focus more on providing value to their students.

Do not get me wrong their previous training has value but it was more focus on the profit that why they were too many upsell and lead to more complaints.

In short, Fullstaq Marketer is a very legit online platform but the fact that do not provide the full information and the pricing on the website is a red flag for me and you will need to be prepared for upselling.

Fullstaq Marketer Complaints

The fact that Fullstaq Marketer is an online training and they only time to drive test the training is when you purchase it this lead to more complaints.

Let Look at what people are complaining about Fullstaq Marketer.


Fullstaq Marketer has 30 days and 14 days money-back guarantee depending on the training and I think is not enough to drive test the program.

They are more complaint where people do not get the refund, this simply means they have requested the money back after that period.

Not BBB Accredited

There are many people out there before the purchase or make any decision they always check if the company or program is BBB Accredited.

Therefore, if you are that person, this may be your deal-breaker because Fullstaq is not BBB accredited, but Wealthy Affiliate is accredited with an A+ rating.

Fullstaq Marketer vs Affiliate Marketing

You may be wondering why I am comparing Fullstaq Marketer to Wealthy Affiliate just for the simple reason that you can not find the problem without providing the solution.

I have seen the problem and I need also to give a solution. Both platforms provide Internet Marketing training with quality training but the other is lacking with tools and its overpriced only a few people can afford it.

Wealthy Affiliate is free to drive test as Starter Member you can have one website to start with your Internet Marketing Business and 30 Keywords Research and there is no rush to upgrade your membership you can stay a free member for a lifetime.

However, if you like the training you can upgrade to Premium Member and it will cost you $49 and the membership include unlimited keyword research that will help you find keywords with low competition for your website to rank high in the search engine.

You will also have 25 websites this will help you to build a business in different NICHES and build a stream of income and you will have 24/7 support and have access to a community and interact with successful members.

All that I mention here if you are a member of Fullstaq Marketer after paying $997 you will get them at the additional cost and the training does not focus on the organic traffic (visitors) you will need to spend some money on the paid traffic.

My Conclusion about Fullstaq Marketer

As a student for Fullstaq Marketer, you will learn a lot from this platform, and the best guy in the industry will train you.

However, there is not much information on the website that will tell you how much you will be spending on the training.

But expect too much upsell if you read my AWOL Academy Review you will understand how Keala Kanae operate.

The name has changed to Fullstaq Marketer that idea and the strategy remain the same.

Do not get me wrong I am not saying that this bad company I just do not like how they keep on up selling people and the marketing strategy.

On the website, there is no way you can find the price list and I think they are hiding it intentionally from people and reviewer.

Therefore, If you are confident about your product and service what is there to hide?

Wealthy Affiliate provides the same training and you can drive test it for free and have one free website to kick off with your Internet Marketing Business and if you like the training you can upgrade to Premium Member.

The Membership is including hosting, keyword tool, weekly webinar, support and live chat with over 2 million of other successful Internet Marketer around the world.

Your Feedback Regarding Fullstaq Marketer and What is Your Experience

Thank you for reading my Fullstaq Marketer Review until here I hope it was an informative and it helps you to make an informed decision.

Therefore, if you have experience with the training please share your experience good or bad it will be help full for my reader. You can also click the Social Sharing Button to share it with your friend and family.

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