Affiliate Marketing Secrets

14 Actionable Affiliate Marketing Secrets For More Earnings

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This is a list of actionable Affiliate Marketing Secrets.

These Affiliate Marketing Secrets helped me to earn passive income from one Affiliate Program.

Affiliate Earnings
My Affiliate Earnings

So if you want to learn or increase your affiliate earnings as a newbie you will love this list of secrets, techniques and strategies.

Without further ado let’s get started

1. Vision and Mission

Unfortunately, Affiliate Marketing is not a job that you can start now and expect a salary at the end of the month.

Affiliate marketing is a business model.

As a business model, you need to draw down your vision and mission before you embark on this journey.

Your vision and mission are the roadmaps that will help you achieve your goals and results.

Without it, you are already set to fail.

It takes up to 3 months to build your Affiliate Marketing foundation.

It also depends on your niche. In a very competitive niche, it might take longer to see results.

Unfortunately, most of the people who start Affiliate Marketing have the wrong mindset.

 They think is a get-rich-quick scheme or quick financial solution.

When they realized the initial work needed to see results or make a sale they quit within 3 or 6 months.

It is very important to know why you want to start Affiliate Marketing Business.

This is why you need to draw down visions and missions.

Vision: Your goal – It may be to improve your financial situation or work from home or travel the world or spend more time with your family or quit your 9 to 5 job.

Mission: An action plan – A plan to achieve those goals.

A proper vision and mission ensure that you are working towards your goals and it provides a road map to the future.

2. Build a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is an ability to learn and grow. Learn from your mistake and see obstacles as stepping stones to your success.

As an affiliate marketer, you will need to understand and accept the learning process before you see results.

There is no shortcut.

Affiliate Marketing has changed drastically over the past years and continues to change day by day.

You need to be very flexible and most important be able to digest the learning process.

You will face some challenges and those challenges can only be the stepping stone to your success if only you are willing to accept them as a process of building an online business.

Unfortunately, most of the people who start affiliate marketing have a fixed mindset, the moment they find a setback they quit.

Therefore if you are that person Affiliate Marketing is not for you.

To succeed in this business model you need to learn how to build a growth mindset.

Accept all the challenges that come your way and see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

3. Understand Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is not all about promoting the best products you find under the sun.

It is about understanding your audience and providing solutions.

As Affiliate Marketer, you have to understand your role towards your audience.

You are not a salesman you are a marketer and a marketer provides value to the audience.

This involves understanding the need of your audience and barry that they are facing for you to offer solutions.

We sell solutions. We don’t sell mattresses we sell good sleep.

Once you understand your audience and what affiliate marketing is all about you are set to build a successful online business.

4. Choose a Niche

After understanding the need of your audience and what they want to provide solutions. You need to be specific in choosing your niche. 

Just because everyone wants to lose weight it does not mean you have to approach all of them.

Just because someone what to build muscles it does not mean they are your potential target audience.

When you target everyone you end up serving one.

You need to narrow down your target audience to a very specific audience.

Your audience can be a group of people, of certain ages or gender.

I have explained this step in detail in Affiliate Marketing Tips and I even repeat the same step in Amazon Affiliate Marketing.

Those articles will be useful for you to understand what is a niche and how to choose one.

5. Choose a platform

You have a good understanding of how affiliate marketing works, you have your niche idea and now it is time to choose a platform to reach your target audience.

There are many platforms that you can choose to reach your audience this can be Youtube, Instagram, Facebook or Tikkok.

But, successful Affiliate Marketers are the first bloggers.

Blogging is the best way to reach your audience from around the globe.

All you need is to build your website and start a blog page.

You can use WordPress to build a blog page and this is very easy to use compared to other platforms.

Therefore if you want a platform where you can buy your website domain name, host your website and even find WordPress already installed with a beautiful theme.

You can use Wealthy Affiliate they have everything thing at one place to start building your website with a few clicks.

Better yet they also have affiliate marketing training that teaches how to build a niche website and earn affiliate commissions.

The alternative to Wealthy Affiliate if you do not need the training is to go with Bluehost.

It is a great place to start your website or blog for $2.95 per month

6. Create Quality content

You have built your niche website and you are very excited about the new journey.

At this point, your website design or the beauty of it does not matter if it does not get any visitors.

You need to create quality content that people are looking for on Google and other Search Engines to get visitors (traffic) to your website.

You were searching for Affiliate Marketing Secrets on Google or other Search Engines and you land on my website.

I created this piece of content to drive traffic to my website and hopefully make sales.

As an affiliate marketer, your job is to write quality content that drives traffic to your website.

This is a very lucrative way to get organic traffic to your website and you have to know that without traffic you do not have a business.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business.

The process of writing quality content involves doing some Keyword Research to find fewer competition keywords also known as Low Hanging Fruit Keywords.

My niche is Affiliate Marketing and Making Money online. I can not just write what is Affiliate Marketing or How to make money online.

Those are very competitive keywords and some big websites with more authority have already covered that and I can not compete with them.

Perhaps I can write about Affiliate Marketing Tips and Secrets those keywords do not have much competition.

Before you write any piece of content you need to do your keyword research to find less competitive keywords.

Therefore, you can use keyword tools like Jaaxy, KWFinder or Long Tail Pro to help you with this process.

7. Understand Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

When you are writing a piece of content you need to optimize them for Google and other Search Engines.

It is also very important to write content that appeals to humans.

If you want your piece of content to rank high on Google and other Search Engines you need to understand basic SEO and how search engines see your website.

When you are writing your content it is very important to write to both your human visitors and the search engines.

Make sure your main keyword appears in both the title and the post description.

Include your main keyword within the first paragraph of your article and create an internal link with the exact keyword phrase from one of your older posts.

As you can see in the screenshot below.

To understand how to optimize your content for SEO you can read this On-page SEO by Brain Dean.

It is a very useful article to understand the basics of SEO.

8. Content Distribution

As you understand that traffic is the lifeblood of any online business. To generate consistent traffic to your website you need to be proactive.

Every time I create a piece of content I spread it all over the internet to get the most out of it and to reach a wide audience.

The post-and-pray method is not that effective.

Therefore, every time you write a piece of content you need to create a short version of it and post it on Linkedin.

Linkedin has an option where you can write articles and LinkedIn has over 134.5 million active users each day.

Linkedin - Write Content

Better yet if you have created a newsletter within LinkedIn your content will be sent to all your contact via email and they have a high delivery rate.

You can also create a quora space, medium account and Pinterest to reach a wide audience and increase traffic to your website.

Content is king, but distribution is queen.

The best way to reach more audiences you can create a YouTube Video around a specific topic, then when publishing on YouTube and add your articles to the description.

9. Recurring or life commission  

Affiliate Marketing is not easy as it sounds. Creating content, building audiences or getting consistent traffic to your website need time and effort.

Do not waste your time by promoting products that pay a one-time commission.

To build a consistent income it is good to promote products that pay recurring or life commissions.

Louise signed up with Wealthy Affiliate through my affiliate link and this program teaches how to build a niche website and earn affiliate commissions.

Member of Wealthy Affiliate

Since September 2018 until now I am earning $46 in commission every month from just one person. Imagine if you have more than 100 people.

You can make $4,600 per month with less effort.

Recurring Commission –  You earn a commission for a customer that makes a recurring payment.

For example, if you refer a customer to a subscription service and that customer makes a monthly payment, you earn a commission each month the customer makes a payment.

Life Time Commission – You earn commissions on every purchase your referrals make, for as long as they remain customers.

10. Lifetime Affiliate Cookie

An affiliate cookie is a file that is placed on a user’s device when they click on an affiliate link and it is used to track the affiliate referral.

Affiliate Cookies have a timeframe some are for 30, 60, and 90 days and others are lifetime.

When it comes to the online world some people do not just buy on the first attempt.

Some need to do more research on the product before they buy and this can take up to 30 days.

To massive your traffic and your earning you need to promote products that have lifetime affiliate cookies.

Lifetime cookies are a great way to earn money as an affiliate since the cookie never expires, you can continue to earn commission on every purchase the customer makes.

11. Stop Procrastinating  

Whether you like it or not to build a successful affiliate marketing business you need to create quality content that adds value to your target audience.

Instead of procrastinating you need to trust the process.

Every successful affiliate marketers use the same route.

Edward Young said, “Procrastination is the thief of time.” You need to remain focused and trust the process.

All of those successful affiliate marketers who are making 6 to 7-figure affiliate commissions used those secrets I have shared in the article.

The only difference with other affiliate Marketers who make less commission is they stop procrastinating and believe in the progress.

There is no way you can fail if you understand how affiliate marketing works and put in the work.

You set up your goal and tasks that you can do daily.

You can only fail with Affiliate Marketing if you are procrastinating.

Therefore, if you narrow down your niche, do your keyword Research and produce quality, well-optimized content on a regular basis you can see fast results.

12. Avoid Promoting Amazon Product

Most of the mistake newbies make is to create a website based on promoting amazon products only.

Yes, Amazon has a great Affiliate program known as Amazon Associate and it is very popular and easy to join.

Over the past year, Amazon has been Anti-Affiliate.

They have cut down their affiliate commission rate and most of the affiliates lost their income overnight. We started seeing posts like this over the internet.

Amazon Cut Affiliate Rates

Some Affiliate Marketers were looking for alternative affiliate programs to save their website. But if your entire website is mainly to promote amazon products you are completely doomed.

You have to start from scratch to create other content.

Another reason to stop promoting Amazon Products only is the commission rate is very low compared to other Affiliate Programs such as Digistore24 or Clickbank.

Another drawback is Amazon Affiliate Cookies only last for 30 days. Some customers need more time to make a purchase decision.

13. Avoid Low Ticket Product

Generating constant traffic to your website needs a lot of time and effort. Do not waste your effort by promoting low-ticket products.

Let’s say you are promoting Amazon Travel Accessories that cost $39.99 and the commission rate is 5%.

For every sale, you will earn $1.99 in commission. How many items do you need to sell to make $1000 per month? 

You need to avoid promoting Low Ticket Products even though they might sell very fast you need good traffic and sell more items to make a good commission.

On the other hand, Hight Ticket Products does not sell fast but one or two sales per month can make you a good commission every month.

Let’s say you are selling Amazon Rolex Watch that cost $9,229.76 and the commission rate is 5%.

For every sale, you earn $461.49.

If only you can sell a minimum of 3 watches per month you will make $1,384.46.

With the same effort on low-ticket products, you need to sell 1,000 items to make $1,990.

I hope you understand the idea to avoid promoting low-ticket products.

It can be a waste of your traffic and hard work.

Therefore if you want to learn how to promote high-ticket products you can start 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge earning millions of dollars in commissions by selling other people’s digital products.

14. Get a Mentor

If you follow those Affiliate Marketing Secrets and put them into action you can build a successful Affiliate Marketing Business and earn a lot of commissions.

But we all know that people are very different some can learn everything on their own and some need guidance.

To speed up the process of learning or if you want step-by-step training you can sign up for Wealthy Affiliate to learn how to build a niche website and earn an affiliate commission.

This platform thought me everything about affiliate marketing and they offer all the tools to kick-start your online business.

Therefore, if you sign up through my affiliate link I will be your mentor and guide you throughout this journey.

You can also check out another alternative to Wealthy Affiliate the Legendary Marketer this platform is more focused on email marketing and how to sell high-ticket affiliate products.

Affiliate Marketing Secrets – Conclusion

Those are the Affiliate Marketing secrets most successful Affiliate marketers use to earn 6 to 7-figure affiliate commissions.

To be the next successful affiliate earner you need to trust the process and work towards your goals. Affiliate Marketing is not easy as it sounds and it is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Therefore, if you believe in yourself and you can implement everything you learn here you can build a stream of income from anywhere in the world.

Now I would like to turn things over to you:

Which Affiliate Marketing Secrets from this list do you find useful?

Or maybe you have a secret that I did not cover here.

Either way, let me know and leave a comment below.

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