Webtalk Review – Making Money Socializing Legit or A Scam

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Welcome to my unbiased Webtalk Review

We can spend hours browsing on the social media newsfeed liking and sharing posts and even commenting.

How great would it be if we can get money for each hour we spent on social media network doing what we do on a daily basis?

The good news now we can get paid by doing all of those on social media and even by inviting people to join the platform.

During my search for online earning, I have found a social media networking where you get paid without any investment.

Yes, you read it right!

But there is also an option to invest in your membership and earn even more.

WebTalk is a social media network that provides an opportunity to earn money while sipping a coffee and enjoying your time at home.

In today WebTalk Review I am going to tell how this social media network is making it is marked in the digital world with it is impressive strategy.

If you are someone who wants to learn how to make money online then you are at the right place and you need to read this review till the end as I have shared an exclusive opportunity for you to avail yourself.

What is Webtalk?

WebTalk Review

Webtalk is a social media network that started in 2010 and gained popularity in 2015. It works the same as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn where you post status, photos, add friends and send messages.

What makes WebTalk different from other Social Media networking is here you get paid for your online presence.

WebTalk was first registered in 2010 by RJ Garbowicz and then it was updated in 2018. RJ Garbowicz ’s name was popular in the market in 2010 due to his first venture ‘YouNight’.

YouNight was not successful in a project and eventually, it was called off. After learning from his past failure he launched WebTalk the same year.

Through this platform, he aims at making easy ways for earning money online.

WebTalk have 2.8 million users by the time of writing this WebTalk Review with an average of 20,000 to 30,000 users signing up each day.

The active number of users at WebTalk right now is 520,000.

However, this figure is quite low as compared to it is competitors for example Facebook has nearly 2.4 billion active users.

According to WebTalk, they claim on sharing at least 50% of their revenue with their users. Well if this is true then here I come WebTalk with the real truth!

How does WebTalk work?

Basically, WebTalk works on the same principle as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter but with added features to earn money while you are browsing on the newsfeed or inviting people to join the platform.

You can also create content and earn points that you can redeem to cash.

When you visit the website for the first time you will see a signup form but you will need to have an email address or WebTalk ID for the existing member before you sign up.

WebTalk Sign up form

Once you have provided the email address or WebTalk ID for an existing member you will be able to continue with the next step which is to add your details your name, email address and create your password.

They are other details that you need to provide just like when you create your account with Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks account.

Once you have registered you can login into your account and collect your first reward which is completing your profile.

Should I join Webtalk?

The good thing is WebTalk is free to join! You can earn points that you can redeem to cash by liking and sharing posts and even commenting on some posts.

You can earn:

  • 10 points per like
  • 20 point per sharing a post
  • 30 point per comment

Who does not want to earn free money?

But you can only earn up to 100 points per day and one point equal to $0.0001. Which is $0.01 per day not enough money right?

If you want to make a lot of money with WebTalk  you need to upgrade your membership, share or create content and recruit people to join WebTalk even though you will always have some limitation until you  have a Pro Platinum Membership

  • Free Membership you will have up to 5,000 connections.
  • Pro Membership up to 10’000 connections that cost $20 per month or $200 per year.
  • Pro Platinum Membership unlimited connections cost $40 per month or 400 per year.

If you decide to share or create content to maximize your earning with WebTalk. I do not think WebTalk is the right platform for you the earning is very low.

You can create a YouTube Channel and have a free unlimited subscriber and you create engaging content to share YouTube ad revenue with you and make passive income.

If you are scared of the camera you can create a blog page and write quality content that people are looking for on the internet than you can sign up with Google AdSense or Mediavine and start monetizing with content with display ads.

Therefore if you are more interested in their commission-based I will never recommend anyone to join an MLM company or network marketing.

Even though WebTalk commission is too low. If you manage to recruit one person and upgrade to Pro Membership for $20 you will only get $2.

You will need to recruit more people to make decent money.

I would rather recommend starting an affiliate marketing business and build a stream of income in absolutely ANY niche with affiliate marketing you can promote any product.

You can download My Free Money Making Guide to understand the process of making money online with Affiliate Marketing.

How much does Webtalk cost?

As mentioned on their website WebTalk does not cost you anything you can sign up for free but with the free membership you are limit to 50 contacts and 5000 connections

If you want more features and increase your connection you need to upgrade to a paid membership which is Pro and Pro Platinum but each package comes with some limitation.

WebTalk Memberships

How can I earn through Webtalk?

WelTalk revenue comes from ad revenue and user membership. Basically, Webtalk will share their revenue with active users in different ways which are listed below:


  • Complete your profile
  • Liking, sharing and commenting on the posts
  • Sharing or creating content

Referral Commissions

Additionally, this site also pays you a commission if you serve as an affiliate you get paid when people sign up and purchase products.

I have mentioned ways of earning commission below:

  • 10% commission of subscription fee for your sponsored affiliate members.
  • 10% from any ad spend by your sponsored affiliate member
  • 10% from every product that is purchased by your WebTalk sponsored members
  • 5% from all the app subscription through the internal app store.

Is Webtalk better than other networking sites?

The advantage WebTalk give over other Social networking site is, here you get paid even after completing your profile.

Once you pay the subscription amount more features open for you which can help you boast in your career.

You can also monetize with your content but that is not something new as you can do it with Youtube or create a blog page to monetize with your content.

If you want to become a blogger and make passive income you can check out The 4 Steps to make money online.

WebTalk claims to be the next big fish than Facebook for me that is a bold claim. WebTalk have 520,000 active users while they were in business since 2010.

Facebook has 2.4 billion active users you need to chill guys!

WebTalk Pros and Cons


  • It is free to join.
  • They pay you on completing small tasks.
  • You get paid on each referral
  • You can communicate, interact and earn from a single platform.


  • Limitations for a free account. Only subscribed accounts are given other benefits and offers.
  • You have to opt for paid subscription make benefit from it.
  • It is still in the beta phase, which means a limited audience.
  • It’s not for people with social anxiety. As here you can earn on the basis of your social interaction.

Is Webtalk a scam?

After going through all the details the company has provided I can say WebTalk is not a scam.  You can get paid but you need to have paid subscriptions to unlock more benefit and other feature.

I know most of you are reading this WebTalk review are excited about WebTalk. But I hate to tell you that the platform has a lot of limitation even when it comes to making money.

You actually need to recruit 100 people to subscribe to Pro Membership for you to make $200 and I do not see people leaving Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other Social networks to join WebTalk.

Most of the people who join those social networks want to build a fanbase or customer base where they can have unlimited follows and send unlimited messages for free which you can do not get with WebTalk

Is Webtalk an MLM or Pyramid Scheme?

Webtalk works on MLM working technique. You will earn only through recruiting different people on this network. One of the drawbacks of this business model is it will only favour you if you are at the top of the hierarchy.

Is Webtalk worth a try?

In all honesty, it is worth a try at least. But I do not see the potential of making a lot of money with this social media network or build a fanbase.

If you are going through this WebTalk review to find out if you can make money with this platform. I will honestly tell you MLM is very dangerous people lose money and people who make money in this business are the earlier bird.

Grab My Free Making Money Guide and understand how you can build your online business in ABSOLUTELY ANY NICHE with affiliate marketing and you do not have to leave your place to talk to people or recruit anyone.

All you need is a laptop and internet connection to promote any product online in the comfort of your home.

Is there any better alternative to Webtalk?

Affiliate marketing is a better way of earning than MLM schemes. Here in affiliate marketing you promote a product and earn money on each item sold.

There is no recruitment involved and you can easily make a profit from it. The effective way to make the most from affiliate marketing is by learning it is basics and techniques.

After reading my above review if you are ready to start your online business you can check out My Top Recommendation and learn how you can make passive income with the internet

In this training program, you will learn how to earn through Affiliate marketing and choosing profitable NICHE.

Initially, You will have 10 free pieces of training, one website and a keyword research tool are offered to Starter membership (Free Membership) worth checking out right?.

There is an option of premium membership for $49.0 per month in which you can have access to:

  • 10 free websites
  • Website hosting
  • Domain name registration
  • Web builder
  • 50 lessons on how to build an online business
  • 70 lessons on affiliate Boot camp

You can earn a good amount of money while sitting at your home. All you need is basic learning, a laptop and an internet connection.

This is not an overnight success you need to be patient with your learning. In this era of smart tactics, you need to be very cautious of every step you take.

Always look for good opportunities as a mean of passive income. The training offers you basic learning on how to avail such chances where you with can connect with networking world.

WebTalk Final Verdict

WebTalk looks on the paper as a good opportunity to jump in. The reality is WebTalk have some limitation whether is to build your network or to make money.

As a free member, you have 5000 connections while on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks you can have unlimited connections for free.

The WebTalk excitement can be on earning some extra income by liking, sharing and even comment on the post or recruiting people to join the WebTalk.

Honestly speaking that can a great way to earn money doing what you do on a daily basis. But the potential of earning good money is also limited.

For one point that you earn is equal to $0.0001 and a Pro Membership commission is $2 per referral.

All in All, Webtalk provides you single roof where you can manage your personal and professional profiles.

It is an easy and convenient way to get your targeted leads. In a nutshell, this is a fun and earning site! Still, I do not recommend WebTalk to anyone. The potential of making decent money or quitting your 9 to 5 job is low.

If you are sitting at home and not utilizing your time appropriately then it is better to learn something new and the training program I am referring you to give you a great opportunity to make money full -Time or Part-Time.

>> Start Your Free training Now >>

Everything you will learn will help you in understanding how to run a successful online business. This is not about success only, there will be days where your patience will be tested and you have to make some tough decisions.

Your determination and consistency will define your success here. There is only one rule for online earning and that is ‘Don’t be greedy. Some days you will make little profit while other days you may earn some good amount.

Your own WebTalk Review

Are you a WebTalk user or you have been in the past? Please consider leaving your own WebTalk Review whether good or bad it does not matter as long as it will help my reader to make an informed decision.


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