This is an unbiased IFA Network Marketing Review. I have spent more than 17-hours search the the South Africa Network Marketing and how people make money as IFA Members.
In this IFA Network Marketing Review you will cover:
- What is is all about
- You can make money as an IFA member
- Is IFA Network Marketing still effective in 2021 and behind
- Is IFA is a Pyramid Scheme
- The common complaints about IFA
- If the whole thing is legit or a scam
- The alternative to
Without further ado let get started…
If you are in the hurry you can watch my IFA Review the video version in this video below:
IFA Review
IFA is a South African network marketing that you can sign up for and start earning money by recruiting people to become IFA members. IFA is a very legit company and it is been around since 1998.
IFA has low earning potential.
To make decent money with IFA you need to recruit a lot of people and those people have to pay a membership or R55 per month and subscribe to one of the clientele insurance plans.
The same energy if you invest it in the internet and affiliate marketing you can make decent money online from anywhere in the world.
You can check out My Top Recommendation platform for more training on how to start your online business and make recurring income with your laptop and internet connections.
User Review
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What is IFA?
IFA stands for Independent Field Advertising. IFA is a division of Clientele Life Insurance Company.
Their website is it is a South African Network Marketing company that sells Clientele insurance services through their members.
IFA provides a business opportunity to all South African who want to make extra income.
The company was found in 1998 and they have paid out over R1.5 billion to their active members and this can assure you that IFA is legit.
How To Become an IFA?
To become a new IFA member you will need to get an invitation code from an existing member then you will need to attend the IFA Presentation.
As an IFA applicant you will need to have:
A valid ID or Passport
You must be 18 years or older
A bank account in South Africa that you use for transactions
Pay R55 per Month as IFA Membership
If you are a non-South African living in South Africa and you want to become an IFA member and earn an extra income.
You will need to have a valid work permit and be registered as a South African taxpayer.
How Does IFA Works?
IFA is a division of Clientele Life Insurance that sells Clientele insurance through their member. As a member will need to recruit people and everyone that you recruit must pay R55 per month as an IFA membership and subscriber to one of the Clientele insurance plan.
After that, you need to teach your team the importance of paying the premium insurance and IFA Membership fee.
The formula to succeed as IFA Member is IMF which stands for:
Invite: You will need to invite people who want to become an IFA member and attend the presentation.
Meet: You will need to meet up with your team and attend the presentation together. Knowing the people you are inviting is very lucrative to build a strong team. It is all about networking
Follow Up: You will need to follow up on your team and make sure they understand the business. Your success depends on your team
Once you understand the IFA Business Model. You can decide to become an IFA then you will need to choose one of these Clientele assurance Policy Plans.
Clientèle Ultimate Dignity Plan for R225.00
Clientèle Funeral Dignity Plan for R220.00
Clientèle Wealth Plan for R300.00
Clientèle Ultimate Foundation Plan for R280.00
Clientèle Legal Plans for R220.00
Your job is to network with people and recruit them to join IFA that how people make money in this business.
If you hate the fact that you will need to recruit people to make money.
You can also check out My Top Recommendation and build your internet marketing without recruiting anyone.
How Can I Make Money With IFA
You can earn money with IFA from Level 1 to 6. The earnings differ from levels and the insurance plan your team subscribes to.
If your team recruit new IFA members at Level 1 they will place them on level 2. If level 2 recruit other new IFA members they will place at a level 3 and so forth.
To start earning you will need to qualify as IFA Earner and pay your IFA membership fee every month.
They are 2 ways to earn as IFA Member
IFA Earner: To qualify as IFA Earner you will need to invite 5 people and if those people pay their membership in the same month you qualify as IFA Earner.
IFA Clubs: You can also earn monthly club bonuses by building your downline team.
Below is how the IFA Bonuses works:
- Club of 10 = R175 per month
- Club of 15 = R340 per month
- Club of 30 = R760 per month
- Club of 60 = R1,080 per month
- Club of 100 =R1,520 per month
- Club of 500 = R3,360 per month
- Club of 1,000 = R6,150 per month
- Club of 5,000 = R19,280 per month
- Club of 10,000 = R44,790 per month
- Club of 15,000 = R74,520 per month
- Club of 25,000 = R109,790 per month
By looking at this number and the earnings you will quickly understand that is not easy to earn a decent income with IFA.
It will need hard work and a lot of effort to earn decent money while IFA makes a lot of money by watching you recruiting people.
I have reviewed another company called Duepoint. I can not recommend anyone to join a Network Marketing Company.
Let look at an alternative of IFA which is Affiliate Marketing
Let say you join Clickbank (Affiliate Network) is completely free to join. You become an affiliate and decide to promote the product below

The product pays 37% in commission and If you only make 2 sales. You will earn $322.35 in commission.
Let do the math the product is sold at $435.61 times 37% = $161.18 times 2 sales = $322.35 in rent is around R4,835.25
Imagine if you make 10 sales per month. With the same effort you put in IFA (Network Marking) you can make $1,611.80 which is around R24,177.00
But with the IFA club bonus with 10 sales, you can make only R340.
People are building a 5 to 6 figure online business with Affiliate Marketing.
I always recommend my audience to start an Affiliate Marketing business then network marketing.
Yes, it needs a lot of work
But if you do it well you can build a successful online business in less than a year and quit your job.
You can check out My Work At Home Jobs and see how it works. Network Marketing is a good marketing strategy for companies to save money on advertisement.
But is not a good business model for distributors and I doubt even 30% of IFA Members are making R10,000 per month.
How Do I Get Paid With IFA?
Once you qualify as IFA Earner you will get pay every month through direct deposit you will need to understand the importance of IMF to maximize your earnings.
Is IFA Worth it?
Those opportunities demand a lot of time and energy to make a decent income. People who are making money with Networking marketing are those on the upline.
Yes, IFA is worth it in terms of the insurance plan that you are getting as an IFA member.
But, when it comes to making money you will need to be a go-getter and build a strong team that has the same vision as you.
But I will not recommend anyone to join any Network Marketing the chance to succeed in this business is only 1%.
One thing, you need to know about network marketing.
The company will tell you that you are a partner in reality you are their salesperson and a potential client.
As a Salesperson, you are selling the Clientel Insurance Plan to people you are recruiting and as a potential client, you are paying your Insurance Plan every month.
What do I like about IFA?
The fact that you can work by yourself without a damn boss. You can work part-time or full-time that is what I like about IFA.
Let see what I like more with IFA below:
Extra Income
What I have to say about IFA even though I do not like Network Marketing they give an opportunity to everyone who wants to make extra income.
Investing in yourself and your Family
Clientele Life is the biggest insurance company in South Africa. By joining IFA Business you will subscribe to one of their insurance that will cover you and your family.
What I Do Not Like About IFA?
If you read through my IFA Network Marketing Review. You understand this business model is very beneficial to IFA as a member you won’t make much.
Let look at what I do not like about IFA
Recruit more people
In order to make decent money, you will need to recruit a lot of people. The more people you recruit the more money you make.
The problem with recruit people is that you will start harassing your families, colleagues and your friends to join IFA.
The waste scenario is someone in your surround I have already introduced them to IFA and they have tried it out and know how hard is to recruit people. You do not have more people to recruit
Pyramid scheme
IFA does not have any retail product or service to sell to the public. IFA members are focus on recruiting people to join the scheme.
Below is the definition of the pyramid scheme.
“ A business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products”.
In Uk, Canada, Australia, the USA and even South Africa pyramid scheme is illegal. They are covering up with Clientele Services to make it legit.
IFA Complaints
There is not a perfect company that what you need to put in mind. Every company has its pros and cons.
I have seen many IFA Complaints on you can check it out.
But in this IFA Network Marketing Review, I will include a few of the Complaints. It is time for you to find out your deal breaker.
Call Center Agent need training
I have found a lot of complaints about the call centre agent. Whenever you have an issue and you need help you can not get it from them.
When the agent does not have an answer to your inquire they always end up the call to escape your concern.
Too much work but little rewards
This is a symptom of all Network Marketing. You will need a lot of time and energy to build the down line to make money.
To make decent money you will need to recruit a lot of people. Mostly harass your friends and families
Is IFA a Scam?
Yes, IFA is a legit company and they have been in business for more than 22 years. But to make decent money with IFA you will need to recruit a lot of people and build a solid team
If you join IFA you will need to understand the importance of inviting people, attending the presentation and teaching them how to build the team.
Understanding the IMF is very important as an IFA member. If you do not want anything about recruiting people to make money.
You can try My Top Recommendation. The only thing you need is a laptop and internet connection to make money online.
IFA Network Marting Review – Final Verdict
The IFA helps many peoples to earn extra income since 1998. They have paid out their members more than 1.5 Billion.
If you have read IFA Network Marketing Review until here you will understand its pros and Cons.
Regardless of what IFA have payout I am still not a fan of Network Marketing because only 1% of people make decent money with Network Marketing.
As IFA Member you will need to recruit people to join IFA and make sure they understand the business opportunity to make money as a team.
Also, the money will earn with IFA is too little. It will need you to recruit a lot of people on your downline for you to quit your job and be a full-time IFA Member.
If you are looking for a real deal business that does not involve recruiting people to build a passive income.
You can start your Affiliate Marketing Training. All you need is a laptop and internet connection and build a successful business online.
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