Longrich Review

(Longrich Review) – 13 Things To Know Before Join

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 In today’s Longrich Review you are going to learn the 13 most important things about Longrich.

This will help you to decide if you can become a Longrich distributor or not. 

I have spent a lot of hours analysing the Longrich business model and how people make money with Longrich.

In this Longrich review, I will cover: 

  • What is Longrich all about
  • How to join Longrich
  • If the business model is worth it
  • If Longrich is legit or a scam
  • The alternative to Longrich

Without further ado let’s get started…

Longrich Review
  • EASE


Longrich is it’s a Multi-Level Company (MLM) that provides you with 2 ways to make money whether by selling products or you can become an Independent Longrich Distributor and build your team.

You will receive commissions from their sales as well as bonuses as a team leader. 

However, It will be a hustle to recruit people who are interesting in joining the business and I would not recommend anyone to join any MLM because 1% of people succeed in this business model.

I would rather recommend you to start an affiliate marketing business the chance to succeed is very high you check out My Top Recommendation and you do not need to recruit people or harassing people to buy your product.

Amazon, eBay, Clickbank need people like you and me to promote their products and services. The best part is you are promoting their product worldwide and earn up to 75% commission.

All you will need is a computer and internet connection to connect with the rest of the world.

PS: Please subscribe to my >> Youtube Channel << for more tips and training on how to make money online.

1. What is Longrich all about?

Longrich is a Chinese company and it is full name Longrich Bio-Science Co. Ltd. The company manufacture health and wellness products like:

  • Health Care Products
  • Skin Care Products
  • Cosmetic Products
  • Household Cleaning Products
  • Longrich also manufactures Furniture and many more products.

Longrich was founded in 1986 by Mr Xu. Zhiwei becomes more popular in 2009. When they got their license from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to become a Multi-Level Marketing Company.

Longrich Founder

Mr Xu. Zhiwei is the most outstanding Chinese Entrepreneur in the World Economy and he is among the 30th Chinese billionaire.

Mr Xu Zhiwei was a carpenter who also encourages his friends to build wealth through entrepreneurship. 

CompanyLongrich Bio-Science Co. Ltd
FounderMr Xu. Zhiwei
ProductHealthcare, Skincare, Cosmetic care and more
WebsiteOfficial website

Longrich is available in more than 50 countries and Longrich’s revenue in 2018 was estimated to be around $1 billion.

2. Longrich Products Review

Longrich has a total of 2000 products and you can choose the products in the following categories:

  • Personal care
  • health care
  • Skincare
  • Cosmetic care
  • Household care
  • High tech accessories
  • More

If you have a passion for selling health and wellness products you will get a quality product from Longrich.

The drawback is those products are also sold on platforms like Amazon and Takealot. If you sign up as a distributor those are your direct competitors.

I will suggest you start an Affiliate Marketing business. It is more profitable and does not require any capital or does not need to buy any product.

If this is more appealing to you check out My top recommendation platform to learn how to build your online business and reach many people worldwide.

3. How to become a Longrich distributor?

To become a longrich distributor is completely free. However, you will need to join under an existing distributor and buy the Longrich Starter Pack that you can afford.

There are 4 Packages you can choose:

  • Q Silver Package is +/- $100.00 
  • Silver Package is +/- $340.00 
  • Gold R2000 Package +/- $960.00
  • Platinum Package +/- $2300.00 

Then, you can start selling Longrich products or recruit people to join the business.

4. How Does Longrich Work?

Like all the MLM companies Longrich also provides 2 ways to make money as a Distributor.

  • Sale the Products
  • Recruit people to join Longrich 

Once you are a distributor you will need to recruit 3 people and place them in your downline. 

Then you will need to teach those 3 people how to recruit 3 people to their downline and so on.

Pyramid Scheme

Longrich has different Compensation Plans where they reward members according to their performance.

There is a lot to talk about Longrich Compensation and Bonus Plan and I do not want to bore you will a lot of information.

I have found a presentation on Youtube that explain everything about Longrich Compensation and Bonus plans.

Do not be misled by the video or follow the shiny object. You will need to come back and read this Longrich review until the very end…

5. Is Longrich Worth It?

Health and wellness is a multi-billionaire industry. Every woman and man wants to look healthier and younger.

No wonder companies like Neora, Avon and others are making billions in revenue.

You might be a bit excited about the industry and you want to join Lonrich right away.

Therefore, if Longrich was having an Affiliate Program I will recommend joining the company right away.

Affiliate Marketing does not need you to buy any stock. You need to refer someone to longrich products and earn a commission.


Since Longrich is an MLM company it is not worth it. You will end up buying a lot of stocks to quality for bonuses and even consuming your own stocks.

You are not a partner (Distributor) you are a potential client.

Think about it.

The company offers those bonuses and other shiny objects for you to make more sales.

You might think you are a distributor but you are their salesperson and a potential client.

Longrich cut the marketing cost and increase revenue while you are busy promoting it. You will never find Longrich ads on TV.

Have you ever asked yourself why?

Marketing is very expensive and MLM is a good marketing strategy that increases sales without spending a penny.

6. Switch to Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate Marketing, you do know need to buy any product or recruit people to make money. The only thing you need is to find an Affiliate Network.

Amazon, Clickbank, SaleAshare and Paydotcom need people to promote their products.

You can sign up for free and you do not need to buy any product, the company will provide you with an Affiliate Link to track all your sales.

You can promote your Affiliate Link on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or your Blog Page. Whenever someone buys for your link you get your commission.

Affiliate Marketing is the best way to make money online in the comfort of your home. Below is a presentation that explains how affiliate marketing works.

People are making 5 to 6 figures without buying a single stock.

You can check out My Top Recommendation to start your free training and learn how You can promote health and wellness products.

You can build a brand in the multi-billionaire industry without buying any stock or owning any product.

7. How Much Money Can You Make With Longrich?

This is a very good question and my question to you is do you have what it takes for you to make money with Longrich? 

Therefore, if your answer is yes then you will need to build your team of a go-getter. Making money depends on your team’s performance.

Below is the video that explains everything about earnings with Longrich.

Therefore, if you do not like the fact that you need to recruit people to make money then you can start your Affiliate Marketing Training.

You can build a stream of income with Affiliate Marketing and there is no limitation to one country.

You can promote any product all over the world without worrying about supply and stock.

The only thing you need is your laptop and internet connection.

8. Is Longrich a Pyramid Scheme?

In the United States, UK, Canada and Australia pyramid schemes are illegal.

Due to the simple reason, Pyramid Scheme does not last and 90% of the new members earn nothing or lose money

Is Longrich a Pyramid Scheme?

Longrich is a pyramid Scheme due to the reason more distributors focus only on recruiting people to make money.

The journal Blog also says it look at the screenshot below

MLMs are pyramid schemes

Maybe you might say why Longrich is not closed down if it is an illegal Pyramid Scheme.

It is very difficult to recognize this kind of business and they are using the product to cover up their pyramid scheme.

However, If you pay a close look at the longrich presentation most of them are focusing on recruiting new members rather than selling the product. 

9. How does Pyramid Scheme Works?

Let’s look at the same system Longrich uses the 3 matrix method so you will have a clear understanding of the business.

Pyramid Scheme

So, let’s say you join the pyramid scheme and you invest $250 and you need to recruit 3 people to join the business and you will get $150 commission on the level 1 and $50 on your downline.

Let’s do the math until at level 3 and let’s assume the pyramid collapse at level 3.

  • 150 x 3 = $450 in Level 1
  • 50 x 9 = $450 in Level 2
  • 50 x 27 = $1350.00 in Level 3

The total amount you will earn is $2,250.00 and if you join with $250 this will be a very exciting Business Opportunity to join.

When the pyramid collapsed, the company makes $3025 at level 3 just watching other distributors recruit new people in the business.

New distributors who just join the business at level 3 which means 27 people down line will lose $250.00 that is why the pyramid scheme is called “stealing for Peter to pay Paul”

Companies that operate as pyramid schemes are covering up their tracks with products to make the company legal.

10. Is Longrich a Scam?

Longrich is a legit MLM company that sells quality products through it is distributors. You can join Longrich for free.

But you need to buy a starter pack you can afford and get the product worth your money.

But I do know like the fact that Longrich is using MLM strategy this is more profitable for the company only.

It allows 1% of the people to make real money, another 1% to make a livable income, and yet another 1% may make a couple of hundred dollars a month.

Therefore, if you think I left something out in this Longrich Review so please leave a comment at the end of the review. It will help someone to make an informed decision. 

11. Longrich Complaints?

I did not find major Longrich complaints. I think it is for the simple reason most people know if you do not recruit the 3 peoples you are not going to make money.

Plus you get the package worth the money you pay and you can use it for your personal use or you can sell it.

The major complaints that I found on the internet are people complained that distributors did not deliver their packages.

I understand in any business they are always people who want to take advantage of others and get money out of it.

Therefore, if you have a major complaint you can leave it in the comment section it will help my reader t make an informed decision

12. Can Longrich Make you Rich?

You will need to have an entrepreneur mindset to become rich. There is no magic stick only work and a clear mission.

The chance of you earning decent with Longrich is only 1% you can read the MLM industry statistics from due.com

I am not discouraging you if you have what it takes and you have the marketing skills you can join Longrich.

Therefore, if 1% is scaring you out you can start your Affiliate and Internet Marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate step by step training will teach how to start your affiliate business from scratch and build a stream of income

13. Alternative To Longrich

I will never recommend someone to join MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) business. The chance to succeed is very slim only 1% of people who join the MLM Business succeed.

It is a very good business strategy for the company. That is why most of them make millions in profits and 99% of the members (distributors) make nothing.

The data below says it all

The Number does not lie I tried the MLM before it did not work for me either and this video for John Oliver will support my statement.

However, Affiliate Marketing is the business model that I am recommending to all my audience. It is the better way to make money with a damn boss and I have been doing it since 2018.

Below is the Affiliate Marketing data from 99 Firms.

Affiliate Marketing average earning

 Therefore, if this is appealing to you can check out My Top Recommendation to start your 10 free Affiliate Marketing Training

Longrich Review – Final Verdict

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a good business strategy for the company that increases profit and cut the marketing cost.

It is not a good business model for you and me. You can not build a passive income with it unless you are very determined to make it work and harass your relative to join or buy your products.

Recruiting people is not my cup of tea and I love making money online with a laptop and internet connection without boring anyone.

The proof is you are on my website reading my review.

If you are interested in making money on the internet, I will suggest you check out My Top Recommendation.

I can not say Affiliate Marketing is perfect for everyone what I can tell you.

You can start your Affiliate Marketing business from home and build a passive income. You do not have to force people to buy the product or recruit people.

But you will need to go to the training to understand the process of making money online and how it works.

Your Thought about Longrich

Are you Longrich Distributor with a success story please leave your comment whether good or bad it does not matter so long as long as is useful to my reader.


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