Crypto Bank Review by Richard Williams

Crypto Bank Review by Richard Williams – Make $435/Day Commissions Scam?

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This is a complete review for funnel builder software that claim user can make $435/Day Commissions & Create Free ClickBank & Bitcoin Profits.

The software is called Crypto Bank.

In this unbiased Crypto Bank Review by Chris Williams I will cover:

  • What is Crypto Bank and how does it work.
  • Is Crypto Bank legit or a scam?
  • Is the software worth it or not
  • The alternative to Crystal Bank
  • And How You Can make money online

So without further ado, let’s get started.

What’s Crypto Bank and how it works?

Crypto Bank was designed as a tool for affiliate marketers to easily build an affiliate funnel and generate commissions in the Cryptocurrency niche.

Once you have your hand on the software you will find different Cryptocurrency products to promote and build affiliate funnels.

Crypto Bank is all done for you software and campaign that help you to build sale pages with few clicks.  Crypto Bank was found by Rich Williams, Chris X and Vivek G.

I tried to find out more about those owners and their backgrounds I could not find much information.

The only information I found is Rich Williams and Chris X has many different affiliate software like CB Traffic Bots, Affiliate Bots, Plugin Profits and different co-founders.

Chris X is completely unknown and many affiliate marketers who promote his products represent him by Clickbank Screenshot Earnings.


That weird!

What you have to put in mind is in the online world if the owner of any program or software has a hidden profile that could be the first red flag.

And it is not worth buying the program.

This is what you will get once you purchase Crypto Bank software:

  • Cryptocurrency Products

You will find different Cryptocurrency products you can promote and make commissions. By the way, these products can easily find them on Clickbank, JVZoo and WarriorPlus.

  • Website Builder (Selling Page)

You can build a website with few clicks but the website is built on a subdomain and you can’t create a blog to generate organic traffic. The only option you have is to drive paid traffic to the website and it can be very costly.

  • Free Traffic (free buyer traffic)

Traffic is the lifeblood of any website and without traffic, you don’t have a business. Crypto Bank claims you will have free buyer traffic in reality the software is built with different social network plugins.

You have to share your website on different social networks.

If you don’t have followers you can get much. And even if you have followers but if they are not related to your niche you can not make any money.

With this kind of traffic, you can not build a successful affiliate marketing business.

If you want to learn how to make money as an Internet and Affiliate Marketer you can check out My Top recommendation platform and learn how to choose a profitable niche and generate organic traffic (Free Traffic)

  • Campaign

The software comes with all done for campaigns that include affiliate programs, funnels, videos, and reviews. You can also find some keywords that you can use for PPC Campaigns.

With Crypto Bank, you are set to promote Clickbank, WarriorPlus and JVZoo products. All most everyone is promoting those products and there is a lot of competitions.

Crypto Bank comes with other unnecessary upsell. What you have to understand are the more products you choose to promote the more traffic you need.

Traffic can cost you a lot of money if you do not how to generate organics traffic. Below is Crypto Bank upsell.

  • 1st Upsell: Unlimited Edition ($29) – Upgrade to launch unlimited websites, promoting unlimited offers, to scale commissions even further.
  • 2nd Upsell: Autopilot Edition ($39) – Activate 60x affiliate programs per day, and over 1,500 campaigns instantly preloaded.
  • 3rd Upsell: Done For You Edition ($197) – Let the creators set up a done-for-you site for you (all they need is your ClickBank ID!)
  • 4th Upsell: Reseller Edition ($197) – Earn 100% across the entire funnel selling this top-selling Warrior offer as if it was your own!
  • 5th Upsell: MegaBundle Edition ($97) – Get access to an insane 37 software tools that cost the creators over $300k to build!

How to earn with Crypto Bank

You can either promote the Crypto Bank software and earn a commission or sign up as an affiliate with those cryptocurrency products you find inside the software.

Yes, some company like CoinBase can pay you commissions with Bitcoin. If you really want to make money as an affiliate marketer and you have a passion for Cryptocurrency.

I will advise you to pick 3 to 4 products and learn about these products in more detail.

Then also learn how to generate organic traffic (Free Traffic) by creating useful contents that can be found on google and other search engines.

Once you understand the whole process and how affiliate marketing work you can also learn how to generate paid traffic to boost up your income.

If you want to learn how Affiliate Marketing work step by step You can check out My Top recommendation platform and you can have access to your 10 free lessons to understand how affiliate marketing work and understand how to choose a profitable your niche.

How much can I earn with Crypto Bank?

If you decide to promote Crypto Bank you will make a good commission if you know what you are doing after all the software cost $576.00 including the upsell you can expect to earn 50% in commission for every sale you make.

With Affiliate Marketing the sky is the only limit. You can also read My Affiliate Marketing Case Study to understand which steps to take and how people are making passive income online.

Affiliate Marketing can be very easy if you understand the process and how to generate traffic that leads to sales.

But it is not an overnight success or get rich quit scheme. I always my audience if you want to start this journey you will need t commit and you reap the reward.

Is Crypto Bank worth it?

Crypto Bank is not worth $576 that is the total cost including the upsell you can host a NICHE website for less than $15 a year that is the cost of hosting a domain at Wealthy Affiliate.

If you need a hand on the training on how to leverage organic traffic and other tools you can spend $49 per month this amount including other tools like Keyword Research Tool.

This tool will help you to analyse your competition and find keywords that will help your website to rank high in the search engine and get free traffic.

Purchasing Crypto Bank, you have to spend money on paid traffic and if you don’t know what you are doing it will affect your ROI (Return On Investment).

You are also set to promote Clickbank, WarriorPlus and JVZoo product only. All most everyone is promoting those products and there is too much competition.

Is Crypto Bank legit or a scam?

Crypto Bank is a legit website and funnel builder software that will help you to build a sale page with few click.

However, the software does not provide much value and I doubt any experienced affiliate marketer can use this software to make money as an affiliate.

Affiliate marketing is about promoting someone else business and make commissions. By promoting vendors products you have to provide value to people.

Nowadays people buy products for someone they know and trust that why you will see a batch of videos on YouTube and other blogs online.

The aim is to build some sort of trust. Once you purchase Crypto Bank you find different products that you do not know and you have to promote and earn commissions.

Successful Affiliate Marketer promotes products that they know and trust and creates content that gives value to the products they are promoting.

For me, Crypto Bank is a trap to the new affiliate marketer and you can not make any money by sharing your sale page on the social networks unless you have big followers who are interested in cryptocurrency.

Crypto Bank Pros and cons


  • Cryptocurrency Niche

Crypto Bank has a collection of cryptocurrency products to promote and earn bitcoin. The Cryptocurrency niche is a hot cake right now since almost everyone is interested in investing in it.

By promoting those products you will have a high chance to earn Bitcoin and the price of Bitcoin is expected to reach $100,000 to as much as $1 million per Bitcoin.


  • Bolt Claim

There are too many bolt claims on their selling page. For example the claim you do not need traffic or create content to make money.

I really there is no traffic the only option you have is to share your website on social network and if you rely on those traffics you can not make any money.

  • Upsells

The starter cost of Crypto Bank is $17.00 you can also get it at $14 when you want to exit the page. But they are is too much upsell that can cost you up to $576.00.

The best alternative to Crypto Bank

Affiliate Marketing is the best way to make money online and the Crypto Bank software is very tempting to get a hand on it.

But you can not do much about the software and I doubt an experienced Affiliate Marketer can use it. If you need to build a NICHE website you do not need Crypto Bank instead you can sign up with Wealthy Affiliate and get your own domain name, tools and training to build a successful Affiliate website.

This is the best alternative to Crypto Bank. You can also Sign Up with Forex Signal if you want to learn how to make money with the Forex Market.

You will get daily signals and you can also connect with experienced Forex Trader from around the world and learn from them.

Crypto Bank Review – My Final Verdict

As an Affiliate Marketer, you don’t need to run after the shiny objects. You just have to learn the basic steps and understand how affiliate marketing works.

You also need to learn how to generate organic traffic that converts without traffic you do not have a business.

Crypto Bank can help you build your affiliate funnel with few clicks. But that doesn’t mean you will make money without traffic.

The more products you choose to promote the more traffic you need.

If you want to learn how to make money online through the Internet and affiliate marketing you need to check My Top Recommendation and learn step by step how you can generate organic traffic and make passive income as an affiliate marketer.

You can also sign up for the free training to understand how affiliate marketing works and how people make passive income with the internet.

Your Crypto Bank Review and experience

If you are a purchase the Crypto Bank or you have been in the past, please consider leaving your own review whether good or bad it does not matter as long as it is useful to my reader.

Thank You for your support!


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