DotCom Secrets Review – Is DotCom Secrets Still Relevant In 2021?

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Marketing is essential for every successful business, be it online or offline. If you are planning to learn online marketing, beware of this!

The online world is full of fake gurus who are only after your money.

In the world of fake gurus, learn from well-reputed programs like Dotcom secrets ( A book that is all about marketing). 

Well, If you are thinking the book is quite old and if it is still relevant in 2021.

Then you are at the right place.

In this complete Dotcom Secrets Review, I will cover:

  • What is Dotcom Secrets
  • The man behind Dotcom secrets
  • Is Dotcom secrets still worth buying?
  • Summary of Dotcom secrets
  • How to make money with Dotcom secrets?
  • Alternatives to Dotcom secrets

Dotcom secrets

DotCom secrets is a well-known book in the online marketing world. It was published by Russel Brunson in 2015. This book is all about teaching it is readers to implement effective marketing strategies. 


The book teaches how to sell products online. It will help you in structuring your products and services to help you earn 3 to 4 times more than what you are earning now.

It will teach you about how to communicate with your customer that converts. You will learn about the building blogs that will help you grow your business. 

By implementing all the strategies told in the book, you will be able to convert your website and business into three-dimensional marketing sales.

It will help you: beat your competitors, make more money online, gain new customers and provide more value to your customers.

Disclaimer: Neither the book is about how to increase traffic and conversion nor it’s about getting rich overnight. 

Pretty useful! Right?

But you would be surprised to know this book that carries an ocean of information is only 254 pages long. It’s written in an engaging style so you won’t be bored.

Indeed the book is easy to read. 

The author of the book claimed it as an evergreen book.

So let\’s find out,

is it really true or just another false statement.

But before that, let me tell you more about the man behind DotCom\’s secrets. 

Who is the writer of DotCom secrets? 

The masterpiece—DotComSecrets— is a creation of Russel Brunson. He is one of the most renowned influential digital marketers and internet entrepreneur.

Even as a child, he was interested in marketing and sales. 

He first proved himself as a successful digital marketer in 2003 by selling software called Zipbrander. Two years later, he successfully sold an instructional course “ How to create a potato gun DVDs.  

Russel Brunson sold everything from shakes and supplies to software.

He made his first million dollars within just a year of graduating by selling his own products and services.  He built one of the fastest software in the world named ClickFunnels in 2014.

His net worth is around $40 million, most of which came from Clickfunnel. And the worth describing fact here is that he is self-funded. 

He has four books published including dotcom secrets and over 400,000 copies of his books are sold till now. Further contributing to his achievement, he earned 3 million during a 10x growth conference. 

Is the Dotcom secrets still worth buying?

So, the most important question that pops up in many genius minds is: Is the DotCom secret still worth buying? It was published in 2015, nearly 5.5 years ago.

But the marketing strategies are always changing, so is there any value for you in the book? 

The answer is a complete yes.

Even though marketing strategies modify with time, the basics of marketing are always the same. To convince customers to buy your product.


Dotcom secrets claimed to teach you about the sales funnel. And the book does it pretty well. There are no lies and scams. 

Everyone wants to explore building blogs to grow their business online.

Don’t you?

If yes, the book is waiting for you to read it. I believe it’s evergreen and is still relevant.

However, I will recommend checking out My Top Recommendation not only you will learn how to build evergreen businesses you will get all the tools needed to grow your business online. 

Dotcom Secrets Summary

Dotcom secrets contain all actionable information that every entrepreneur must know. Here, I have tried my best to give you insight into Dotcom Secrets—The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnel.

So let’s dive deep into the details. 

Note: It’s a summary of the latest edition.

The book is divided into four sections that contain 28 secrets that help you grow your business. 

1. Sales Funnel secrets

This section will provide you with information on the building blogs for your business. It contains 7 secrets to help you prepare for what’s coming next in the book. 

Secret#1: Secret Formula

I must say the approach of Russel Burnson is quite impressive. The section proves the book is actionable by encouraging readers to ask four questions about their target audiences. 


  • Who are your dream customers?
  • Where and how can you find your dream customers?
  • How will you attract your customers?
  • What do you want to give your customers?

The section will show you a secret formula to get answers to these questions.

Secret #2: Hook, story, offer

This section is about building intrigue and value even before mentioning the product you want to sell. Giving value even before selling will encourage them to buy products regardless of price.

Secret#3: The Value Ladder

This section is about a secret that will let your customers buy a low-cost product to a high-cost product that’s providing high value to them and they will thank you for selling a high-value product. 


Secret#4: The Attractive Character

How’s the idea that your dream customers find you despite you putting an effort to find them? Sounds great? The section is all about how to do that. 


Secret #5: Funnel Hacking

In this section, Russell will explain why being a pioneer in any industry is the worst start. In this secret, he will show you the way to skip years of learning and implement what is happening in the market right now by revealing three types of traffic:

  • Traffic you own 
  • Traffic you control
  • Traffic you buy

Secret #6: Seven phases of a funnel

This secret will show you 7 phases that every funnel must include to keep your customers moving through the sales process and buying more. These 7 phases will keep the bounce rate as low as possible.


Secret#7: Follow up Funnels

The way to generate 80% of your sale by reaching your target audience whenever you want even after they have left your funnel. 

2. Funnels in the value ladder

In this section, Russel helps you visualize your ideal customers by taking his own buyer persona. 

Secret #8: Lead Squeeze Funnels

This secret is about drawing perfect leads and creating so much anticipation that your customers can\’t help but give you their email address to discover their answer. 

Secret #9: Survey Funnels:

This part is about showing you the way to provide each customer with what they want. It can be accomplished by separating customers into different buckets, so you can give attention to their special needs based on the information they have given you. 

Secret#10: Summit Funnels: 

This is the key to building a large list for free. It’s really important as most of the strategies told by gurus don’t work anymore. This secret will reveal how to use other people\’s lists to multiply your list size with high-quality leads.

Secret#11: Book Funnels: 

This secret is about how to outspend your competitors and run paid ads with no ad budget. 

Secret #12: Chart Funnels

This secret is about leading your customers to a sales process that will convert visitors into frequent buyers that will purchase multiple products.

Secret #13: Challenge Funnels

The key is to leave behind the customers who are not the right fit for you and get new customers who are willing to pay you more. 

Secret #14 Video Sales Letter Funnel:

The key is to send modern variations of old-school direct email responses that generate value for the audience, clarify their queries, and convince them to buy the product. 

Secret #15: Webinar Funnels

This part is about hosting webinars so you can gather all of your audience in one place and create so much value by delivering a presentation that motivates them to buy. You will learn the secret that Russel used to drive loads of sales in just minutes. 

Secret #16: Product Launch Funnels

I really love this part of the book as it shows you the way to create urgency to your offer that is not even available yet. And then people wait anxiously to buy it.


Secret #17: Application Funnels

From selling a $47 product to selling a $1000 product seems difficult? But with Russel strategies, you will be able to sell a $1000 or even $2000 product. With the right customer, selling a $3000 product is no longer difficult than selling a $47 product. 

3. Funnels Scripts

This section is about structuring funnel sales. It holds tremendous value to business owners and saves a lot of time by following scripts. 

Secret #18: “Curiosity Based Headline” scripts

The secret deals with creating a powerful headline that hooks your audience enough to leave them curious about what’s inside the link. 

Secret #19: Who, What, How, and Why

The key to getting your audience to click funnels, give their details, register for webinars, and buy your low ticket product by just a simple 4 question script.

Secret #20: “Star, story, solution” script

How can you sell even without selling? In this part, Russell will show you how to do that. This secret is about building your audience\’s emotional connection with you and your product by telling them a story and then giving a solution. 

Secret #21: OTO script

The one-time offer script encourages your customer to buy a high-value product worth $997 and more immediately after the very first purchase. 

Secret #22: Perfect webinar script

This is the script that Russell always uses whenever he presents in webinars. And he generated sales of over $3,000,000 in just one hour of live webinar. You can apply this script to your presentation and see the results.


Secret # 23: Product launch Script

This secret will show you how to make launching or relaunching of your product big so that it’s talk of the town. A four-part video script will leave your customers ready to buy the product as soon as it goes live. 


Secret #24: Four Question Close script

It’s about taking the customer from “I am interested” to “Let\’s do this” over a single phone call by just a four-question close script.

Secret #25: Setter and Close scripts

This two-person script will ensure you will enjoy working with your clients and enrol new ones. You can quickly sell offers between $2000 to $10,000. 

4. Building your Funnel

As the name suggests, this section is about how to create your own funnel.

Secret #26: Clickfunnels

Many entrepreneurs are using step by step framework to build their own funnel in just 10 minutes without the need to hire any tech or guru. 

Secret #27: Stacking Funnel

This secret is about how to maximize your earnings per customer, and how to move your ideal customer to the next step of the value ladder to get more value. 

Secret #28: Funnel audibles

This section is about testing the funnel whether it’s working for you or not. If it’s broken, Russell will tell you which part needs to be fixed. 

Should I read Dotcom Secrets?

I read many of the reviews saying the book deals with e-commerce, and it’s worth reading for only those who run online businesses.

It’s not suitable for those operating mortar and brick stores. 

I can’t stress enough that the basic marketing strategies are always the same. Whether you own a brick-and-mortar store or sell online, you need to be an expert in communication, identifying your target audience, and some specific skills. And this book teaches you all of it. 

Dotcom secrets is beneficial for everyone having an entrepreneur mindset including:

  • Entrepreneurs who are trying their way to sell products online
  • Affiliate marketers who want to approach more potential customers
  • Entrepreneurs who want to sell products either digitally or physically to double their conversions and revenue
  • Consultants who build email lists to connect with audiences online
  • Coaches who are trying their way to sell high ticket offers through generating traffic
  • Bloggers who earn through affiliate marketing 

Dotcom Secrets Pricing and Upsells

Dotcom secrets book is absolutely free. But you will only have to pay shipping charges to get Dotcom secrets delivered to your doorsteps.

For the USA shipping charges are $9.95 and $19.95 for the rest of the world.




But as we know Russel Burnson is an expert marketer, he has done amazing marketing while providing you with a free book. Getting his product (DotCom secrets) at your hand you will be convinced how great his marketing strategies.

You will get 4 upsells for DotCom secrets including:

  • Audio Books for $37.00
  • 2 Day Even  for $97.00
  • Box Set for $97.00
  • Funnelytics for $397.00

You will end up paying $737.95 just the free book that you wanted to get for free. This is common strategies that most online gurus use.

Why paying so much for a book while you can start your training right away with Wealthy Affiliate and get all the tools to kick start your online business and build a stream of income?

How to make money with Dotcom Secrets?

Put all of your Efforts

There’s no way to become rich except by working hard for it. If you want to earn money with DotCom Secrets, stop dreaming of getting rich overnight and start working hard. Invest your time and absorb all the secrets Russell mentions.

Implement all strategies

Work hard but do it smartly. Implement every strategy to the business he tells you to. Figure out what is not working and translate it as per your business. 

DotCom Secrets Pros and Cons


If you are still asking me about its pros even after reading the summary, here are a few of the plus points:

Experienced Author

Russel Brunson has more than 10 years of experience in the business. He has built his own multimillionaire business online in a very short time which proves his capability.  One should learn from someone with his own hands-on experience. And Russel Brunson is a perfect example of it. 

Evergreen content and Actionable steps

After reading a summary, I must say you are convinced it\’s an evergreen book. And this is what most of the marketing programs and books are lacking; their content becomes old after some time.

Russel Brunson not only explains how to market your business successfully but also presents an actionable format. You can follow his step-by-step blueprint according to your own business. 


No Training

It’s not for those who are not fond of reading books. Yes, the audiobook is available but some people like to attend lectures rather than just reading and listening to books. If you are one of those people, unfortunately, you won’t be able to take value from this book. 


Dotcom Secret has too much upsold. Russel Brunson claims that the book is free and you have to pay only for shipping the book. But you end up paying $737.95 for the full package. If you do not have much money or you think is too much for the book

In the upcoming section, I will present you with a few alternatives to learn how to make money online

Alternative to DotCom secrets 

Below are My Top Recommendation platforms to learn how to make money online and it also depends on what you are looking for

If you want to learn how to make passive income with the internet and affiliate marketing with this program below you will get series of video training and tools to start your online business.


It’s easy for students to digest information and who are not fond of reading books. You can go and check My #1 Recommendation and learn all the secrets to make money online. 

If you want to invest in the financial market you can sign up with Forex Signals they are offering learning programs in Forex trading.

Forex trading is a  profitable niche for earning money online. 


You will get access to learning material, guidance and analysis of signals by experts by joining forex signals.

My Dotcom Secrets Review – Final Thoughts

I covered everything about DotCom secrets. And yes it’s an amazing book holding tremendous value for its reader. I just do not like the upselling that can cost you up to $737.95. If you like reading and money is not the problem go ahead and order your book.

However, if you are not interested in reading or listening to books, check My Top recommendation to learn how to make money online.

Your Dotcom Secrets Review

Have you have read or purchased the DotCom Secrets? please consider leaving your own review whether good or bad it does not matter as long as it is useful to my reader.

Thank You for your support!

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4 thoughts on “DotCom Secrets Review – Is DotCom Secrets Still Relevant In 2021?”

  1. Hello,

    Great book review on DotCom Secrets. You covered all steps to Brunson’s formula for online business success. Thankfully you included the fact that the “free” book would end up costing $737.95. I personally don’t believe marketers need to be dishonest to get a sale. Quality products and services don’t need tricks or gimicks. 

    I like your alternative options to learning online marketing: Wealthy Affiliate and Forex Signals. What is your experience with WA and or FS? 



  2. Hi Syeda. Very interesting article. IM just starting my adventure with digital marketing and still looking for best ways to learn new things. To be fair I never heard about DotCom secrets book, but looking on your review it seems as a great starting point to learn marketing secrets. Number of upsells is a bit concerning but I still think its worth give it a try. Thank you !

  3. I say that DotCom secret is worth purchasing in 2021 because the things taught in the book are still relevant today. For instance, when you master how to craft a sales funnel that converts, you’ll always make profit and that is one skill that most marketers out there are yet to master. Russel Brunson has done a very great job with this book and I’ll definitely recommend it in 2021. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you for your input. The drawback is the hidden cost Russel Brunson claims that the book is free and you just have to pay for shipping. In reality, it will cost you $737.95. All in all the book is worth it…

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