QuickTate Review

Is QuickTate Worth it –  (In-Depth Review and Pros and Cos)

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Is QuickTate worth it? How much can you earn with QuickTate and what is the best alternative to the transcription jobs?

I will answer all the questions in this QuickTate Review and give you the best alternative to make passive income with your laptop and internet connection.

The internet can be a good place to earn a bit of money from the comfort of your home using your laptop.

They are many platforms that offer transcription jobs some can be worth it and others can be a waste of time depending on where you are located.

You might be wondering if being a transcriptionist on quicktate.com is worth it or the all things is legit.

You have come to the right place.

In this QuickTate Review I will cover:

  • What is QuickTate is all about
  • How much can you earn with QuickTate as Transcriber
  • If QuickTate is worth it or a waste of time
  • If QuickTate is legit or a scam
  • The alternative to QuickTate
  • And how to make decent money with your laptop from the comfort of your home.

Without further ado let’s get started….

QuickTate Review
  • EASE


QuickTate is an online platform that offers general transcription services to it is clients worldwide.

You can apply as an Independent contractor and start taking transcription jobs to earn some income online.

Company name: QuickTate Inc

Website: https://www.quicktate.com/

Owner: Lee Dorfman

Product/service: Transcription Service

Cost: Free

Is FusionCash legit: YES

The Wealthy Academy Rating: 1.5/5.0

Do I recommend this? No

QuickTate does not have the potential to replace your primary income or help you to have financial freedom.

Therefore, if you want to make passive income online you can check out My Top Recommendation platform and learn how to earn affiliate commissions with your laptop and internet connection.

What is QuickTate all about?

QuickTate is an online platform that offers general transcription services to it is clients worldwide.

They offer transcribes voicemail messages, memos, letters, legal files, medical files, recordings of phone calls, conference calls and other audio files.

You can also sign up as an Independent Contractor and start converting speech into text documents and earn a bit of cash online.

As QuickTate Transcriber you can work flexibly the platform operates 24/7 and you can work anytime or anywhere as few, or as many hours as you want.

QuickTate was founded in 2008 by Lee Dorfman who is also the owner of the iDictate a subsidiary of QuickTate.

They are located in the United States, California, San Francisco

How does Quicktate work

Quicktate works as a platform that offers Transcription services to their clients worldwide.

They have worked with big brands like Coca-Cola, Ford, CNN and more.

When those companies need to transcribe voicemail messages, memos, letters, legal files, medical files, recordings of phone calls, conference calls and other audio files.

They will contact Quicktate to help them transcribe audio files into text and Quicktate will charge them a services fee depending on the length of the audio files.

Due to the demand in the industry and the reputation that Quicktate has, they always have more transcription jobs and they need transcribers from anywhere in the world.

Therefore if you are interested in taking transcription projects as a transcriber you will need to sign up with Quicktate as Independent Contractor and agree to all terms and conditions.

They also have some requirements that you need to read before you apply as an independent contractor.

All you need to know before you apply is:

  • Be accurately in typing while hearing audio.
  • Be able to follow instructions
  • Excellent in English and grammar
  • No criminal record
  • You need a PC or laptop with a reliable internet connection.
  • A high-quality headphone

You will also need to take some quizzes and typing tests.

Your score will determine if you can also be a transcriber for the iDictate subsidiary of QuickTate which pay much better.

After passing the test you will need to pay $20 for the background check.

You can pay it using PayPal or a credit card.

Therefore, if your background check is clear you can start transcribing for QuickTate and earn some cash from home.

How much can you make with QuickTate

QuickTate does not pay much you can earn $0.0025 per word for general transcription job and $0.005 for medical transcription job.

As you can see to make a dollar you need to transcribe 400 words for general transcription Job and 200 words for medical transcription job.

By looking at the earnings potential in this platform. You can tell that QuickTate can not replace your main income.

You can also try completing surveys on surveytime.io and timebucks.com to increase your earnings whenever you do not find any transcription job to complete.

Therefore, if you have a PC or laptop and you have an internet connection.

You can also learn how to earn affiliate commission from the comfort of your home by signing up for My  Free Affiliate Bootcamp training

If you master the training and invest your time you can make more money than what you make as a transcriber on this platform

How does QuickTate pay

QuickTate pays it is transcriber via PayPal every month. If you do not have a PayPal account you can sign up for one and it is completely free.

If your country does not support PayPal you won’t be able to sign up with QuickTate and receive your payment.

I have reviewed other transcription services most of them are using PayPal as their method of payment.

If you are from a country that does not use PayPal and you want to earn some extra income online.

You can try ysense.com and swagbucks.com they have different methods of payment that might be available in your country.

Is QuickTate Worth it?

Although I am from Africa where the standard of living is less than the one from the USA, Canada and Austria.

I would not stick with a company that pays less than the minimum wage.

QuickTate pays $0.0025 per word for general transcriptions and $0.005 for medical transcriptions.

This is a very low payment if you offer the same service on fiverr.com I have seen people offering 10 minutes transcriptions for $5.0  up to $35 for 60 minutes transcriptions.

If you are new to the platform learn the skills and when you get some experience you can offer the transcription service on fiveer.com to earn more.

Therefore, earning $1 for 400 words in QuickTate is not worth it and I will not recommend anyone to waste the precious time transcribing files that pay close to nothing.

If you have a laptop and internet connections and you want to earn some extra cash full-time or part-time.

You can check out My #1 Recommendation platform for step by step training on how to make passive income from the comfort of your home.

You can build a 6 figure online business with my recommendation training.

But it is not a get rich quick scheme or overnight success. It needs time and works to see result.

Is Quicktate legit or a scam

There is no doubt Quicktate is a legit platform for transcribers from all over the world.

You can earn some cash as an independent contractor on this platform.

The drawback is the platform has very strict requirements and you have to pay $20 for a background check.

$20 can be a lot of money for a platform that pays up to $0.005 per word.

Therefore, if you are disgusted by the fact that you have to pay for the background check you can also check out Scribie.com or Rev.com

They do not need any background checks and they pay even much better.

Is Quicktate a real

Yes, Quicktate is a real platform where you can earn money from home as a transcriber using your laptop and internet connection.

Quicktate has been around since 2008 and they are located in San Francisco, California, United States.

Even though they are a real platform that pays their transcriber every Monday via PayPal.

The potential of earning a decent income with this platform is very low and you can not rely on Quicktate to pay your bills.

Therefore, you can also check out surveytime.io or timebucks.com to complete paid surveys to increase you are earnings online.  

If you want to earn a decent income online with your laptop and internet connection from anywhere in the world.

You can also learn how to earn affiliate commissions with Wealthy Affiliate they offer free step by step training that includes tools to kick start your online business.

Quicktate Pros and Cons

Let see what is the pros and cons of QuickTate and Let find what could be your deal breaker


  • QuickTate is available wordwide
  • Weekly Payment
  • Work from home on your own time
  • Manageable work schedule


  • Earning potential is very low
  • Only PayPal as payment method
  • Pay $20 for background check
  • Lack of work some days

Alternative to Quicktate

There are many alternatives to Quicktate. You can also check out Scribie.com and Rev.com for more transcription jobs and other work at home.

You can also sign up with those Get Pait To websites below for other micro jobs and other online Paid Surveys to increase your online earnings.

SurveyTime$3 to $5 per hoursSurveytime.io
Timebucks$2 to $4 per hoursTimebucks.com
Ysense$2 to $3.5 per Hoursysense.com
Swagbucks$2 To $3 per hoursSwagbucks.com
Paidviewpoint$1.5 To $3 per hoursPaidviewpoint.com

But whether you decide to be a transcriber on those platforms or complete paid surveys the potential of earning decent money online is very low.

Those tasks won’t help you to replace your primary income or help you to have financial freedom.

Therefore, I will advance you to start your affiliate marketing business. If you manage this business model.

It can replace your main income and make passive income. It also gives you financial freedom.

Affiliate Marketing is the best alternative to all transcription jobs. But this needs initial work to start seeing money coming.

How how to make money online

There are many different ways to make money online from home using your laptop and internet connection.

Some people make money online by transcribing files on a website like quicktate.com and others make money online with Bitcoin.

 Some of my friends make money online in the forex market and if you are interested to learn how to trade in the forex market.

You can signup with forexsignal.com for the step by step training.

Therefore if you are not interested in all I mention above and you still want to make money online.

I will advise starting an affiliate marketing business. You may be wondering what is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of recommending people products/services and earning affiliate commissions when sales occur.

This is how it works. firstly, you need to choose your niche this can be anything that you like (Sport, Fitness, Healthy and Wellness, Dating or anything that you are interested in).

Secondly, sign up for affiliate programs in your niche. You can sign up with Digistore24 or Clickbank

Those are affiliate networks you can find almost any products/services in your niche.

Thirdly you need to find a platform to reach your target audience. My first recommendation is to have a website or Youtube channel.

You can host your website with Bluehost is very cheap and easy to use you do not need to be techy to launch your own website.

If you decide to have a Youtube channel you can also sign up with Tubebudy.com to help you grow your youtube channel.

Fourthly create content that people are looking for on the internet to reach your potential audience.

Affiliate Marketing is more involved in writing content on your website or making videos on your Youtube Channel.

Fifthly earning affiliate commission. Once you start having people to your website or your youtube channel.

You can recommend them different products and earn affiliate commissions for every sale you make.

You can see my commission below:

Affiliate commissions

You can also review other products and services in your niche and recommend people better products/services and earn affiliate commissions.

If you are reading this Quicktate Review it means this method works and you can sign up for My Free Affiliate Bootcamp Training and learn step by step how to make money online with Affiliate Marketing.

But I have to warn you this is not an overnight success or a get rich quick scheme.

If you can not write or make videos you can not make money.

Therefore you can learn how to write quality content or make videos that reach your audience by signup for my free training.

Is QuickTate Worth it – Final Verdict

Quicktate can not be worth it for people who live in developed countries such as the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and more.

In those countries, the standard of living is very high.  To Work for a rate of 0.0025 or 0.005 per word can be a waste of time.

But does not mean Quicktate is a scam it is a legit platform with very low earnings potential.

The rate can only also suit people who are coming from a country with a low state of living.

Therefore if you are a professional transcriber and you want to earn money online whether full time or part-time.

You can check out My Top Recommendation Platform for step by step training on how to build a niche website and start earning affiliate commissions.

Your thought about Quicktate

Is QuickTate worth it? If you are an existing independent contractor on the platform or you have been before.

Please share your experience whether good or bad it does not matter as long as it is good to my readers

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