Affiliate Institute Review

Is Affiliate Institute a Scam? Find The Truth In This Review

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Welcome to my Affiliate Institute Review. There are many pieces of training on the internet that promise the world to people.

Affiliate Institute LogoSince I was in this making money online industry I have seen it all and I know what work and what does not work, before I start going deep with this review.

I have to explain to you how I start with the online business world and you will have a clear understanding of the program and the Affiliate Marketing Business as all.

At the end, you will decide if Affiliate Institute is a scam or it is just high ticket training program that will cost you a fortune.

First of all I completed my studies as an Industrial Engineer due to the high rate of unemployment in South Africa I end up delivering food with Uber Eats.

Do you remember when Robert Kiyosaki said rich people do not go to school they go to the seminar?

I strongly agree with his statement, his rich dad did not have a degree but he knows how to make money.

But, his poor dad was having degrees but he was always broke and complaining about money?

Therefore, if you have not yet read the Rich Dad Poor Day book you need to read it now.

It will help you a lot and I felt like I wasted my time going to school.

But at least I know how to write and communicate with people. LOL.

This is might be a reason why you are reading a couple of Affiliate Institute Review maybe you are looking for a way to get out on the scam that they told us school equal to the good life and money.

That is a big lie you will spend the rest of your life working someone else passive income and make them rich.

I won’t bother you with all to details I find a program that teach me the skills of making money online with Internet and Affiliate Marketing and I quit delivery within year.

Affiliate Marketing is a very lucrative business and risk-free but it need a lot of time and hard work.

If you master it you will have a financial freedom and live the best life that you always wish for.

That what Affiliate Institute teach. The big question is how much is going to cost you and do you have to budget for it. Stay Tuned find to truth.

What is Affiliate Institute?

Affiliate Institute Aka AI is an online platform that teaches newbie and advances Affiliate Marketer how to monetize and build a successful business with Affiliate and Network Marketing.

The program was found by Julian Sherman and Mathieu Jang they are part of other Japanese MLM called Enagic that sell water filter and they have partnered with other expert coaches in Affiliate Marketing such as Chris Smith and Kameron George is the co-owner of AWOL Academy another high ticket Affiliate Marketing Training Program that rebrand in 2019 as Fullstaq Marketer with new faces.

Therefore, you will need to be away that in this online business many training programs that claim to teach people how to make money online always rebrand once the program receive many bad reviews.

Affiliate Institute was in 2015 Global Affiliate Zone this was a part of the pyramid scheme and other people called it a scam program.

To run out from the bad reviews the rebrand their name to Affiliate Institute.

But their business model and the strategy remain the same this for me is a red flag.

Is Affiliate Institute a Pyramid Scheme? Stick to this review until to end to find your answer.

By to way, Wealthy Affiliate is a training program that the name never changes since 2005 and I learned how to make money online with this program.

It is very affordable and does not have any upsell as the rest of those programs online and their training is beginner-friendly.

Affiliate Institute Rating
  • EASE


Affiliate Institute is the best online Affiliate Marketing training platform that has quality training and video training. If you want to start your online business with affiliate marketing you can get a lot to this platform.

However, the pricing is very high you can spend close to 11k that is a lot of money for online training and newbie. You can save a lot of money with My Top Recommendation plus is free to check it out to see what you are getting into and there is no upsell.

User Review
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How To Sign up with Affiliate Institute?

You can not sign up straightway once you visit you will see a create account button and when you click on.

It will redirect you to the 2019 Affiliate Playbook that you will need to download.

But you will need to provide your name and email address before you download it

Therefore, you will receive an email with to link to download to ebook that Julian Sherman explains:

  • The Formula For Building A Lucrative Online Business
  • The Truth About Affiliate Marketing
  • Secrets To Automate Your Business
  • $50,000 Worth Of Tips, Tricks & Advice

And then you will need to register for a webinar and at end of the webinar, you will have access to register for the training program for a 14-day trial.

How Does Affiliate Institute Works?

For to very beginning of this review of Affiliate Institute, you understand this is a making money online training program. So to answer this question how it works?

To understand the program you will need to understand how Affiliate Marketing works

The picture below explain the process of Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Process

There is so many Affiliate Network and Amazon is one of them and you can register for free and start promoting their product with your unique link that amazon will track your sale.

The hard part is how to promote those products and make a commission out of it.

That what Affiliate Institute promises to teach you and they have tons of quality video and step by step training that you can build your online business for scratch.

What you will learn inside to program is to create a WordPress website, Funnels, Branding, Traffic Generation and a lot more.

Unfortunately, Affiliate Institute training does not focus on generating organic traffic the only focus on to paid traffic with Facebook Ads, Google ads and others.

This will cost you a lot of money if you are a newbie who is looking to start an Affiliate Marketing Business.

Remember without traffic to your website or sale page you are not going to make money.

Traffic in offline business means customers who visit to store. The more traffic you get the more chance to make money online.

How Much Affiliate Institute Marketing Cost?

The cost of Affiliate Institute is closed to 11k this due to a lot of up selling that you will find in to training.

If you know Kameron George this will ring a bell that you are mostly going to find the hidden cost in most of his training the AWOL Academy cost closed to 22k I have a full review here about his high ticket training program.

Affiliate Institute has 2 levels of training which:

  • Level 1 cost $99 per month
  • Level 2 cost 2$,995 once off you can also get a discount on that

Is it Affiliate Institute Worth it

Yes. The training is worth it and you can build a successful business online but you will need to understand that your success depends on how much time you will put in the training and build your business.

But you are looking for overnight success or get-rich-quick scheme Affiliate Institute is not what you are looking for and you will give up along to way and your money with go to waste.

However, if you have time, you want to fire your boss or maybe you have a lot of WHY in your life and you want to change it.

The Affiliate Institute training is worth it and it will help you to reach your goals.

What do I like about Affiliate Institute?

  • The business model
  • Very detail training
  • Training is up to date
  • The support and to community

What I Do Not Like About Affiliate Institute?

  • To must upsell
  • Not enough information on to website
  • The training focus on the paid traffic

Affiliate Institute Complaints

Can You Get Rich with Affiliate Institute?

Affiliate Marketing is a multi-millionaire business and it does not cost you a fortune like other offline business.

You do not need to deal with customer service and a lot of stress that come up with opening an offline store.

I have seen a lot of people making a good commission from home and build a stream of income with this business model.

The owners of Affiliate Institute is the good example they have mastered the industry and now they want to teach people to do the same.

To answer your question. Yes you can be rich if you master the training but you need to know this not get rich quit scheme it needs a lot of time and effort.

I am talking for to experience there is a time that I wanted to quit doing Affiliate Marketing and it takes me a year to do it the right way and quit Uber Eat.

Is Affiliate Institute a Scam?

Affiliate Institute is a high ticket program that will cost you 11k US dollars. Is Affiliate Institute a scam not at all to training program offers a lot of value and content have high quality surely Julian Sherman and Mathieu Jang and his partner put in a lot of hard work to deliver a quality training program to its members.

However, the program is not for everyone simply if you do not have enough budget.

I personally say you can save a lot of money with Wealthy Affiliate that offers to same training and their training a focus on building Affiliate Marketing foundation with organic training that you will help you in to long run without spending extra cash in to Paid Traffic

So, will I recommend Affiliate Institute to people? No at all it is very expensive for online training and there is a lot of training out there that it is affordable.

But do not get me wrong to training has a lot of value surely if you master it you will biuld a successful business online.

What Is The Best Way To Make Money Online?

Everyone has his method to make money online and others do Forex trading which for me it is a very risky business and there is a lot of scams on to internet. So you will never be sure which one to invest in.

For me, Affiliate Marketing is the best way to make money online and you can join almost any Affiliate Network for free and promote any product and service you like to promote and get a commission out of it.

But you will need to learn some skills to leverage to internet and make sales.

Most of the people do it to wrong way by copying their link and start spamming people on the social media no one will ever click on those links or buy for it.

For the simple reason maybe they are no looking for that product or they do not trust you.

Just imagine knocking on someone’s door and try to sell someone something 99% of people won’t buy it.

However, if you have a website and people are looking for the product that you are selling online they are more likely to buy from your link.

To prove that this method work you were looking for Affiliate Institute Review or keyword like is Affiliate Institute a scam or relate keyword and you find my review.

Therefore, if I was promoting Affiliate Institute you will probably sign up for my link and I will earn a commission, unfortunately, I am not promoting it because I do not surely trust it and they might rebrand their name again.

To understand more about Affiliate Marketing and how people are making money with it you will need to check out My Work At Home Jobs and see how it works.

My Conclusion About Affiliate Institute

I have said all in this affiliate Institute review and if you just scroll down to read my conclusion you are missing all to information that will help you to make an informed decision.

But if your question is to know if Affiliate Institute is a scam the answer is no it is legit training.

Therefore, it is a high ticket training that you may not afford it. The cost is close to 11k which is a lot of money for online training.

Do not get me wrong to training has a lot of value and to high video training.

Therefore, if you master it you can build a successful business online with Affiliate Marketing from to comfort of your home and fire your boss within a year of hard work.

You can also read the Affiliate Institute Income Disclaimer to understand that this not a get-rich-quick scheme or overnight success.

However, if you find that you can not afford to Affiliate Institute training and you need an alternative that you can save money and work throughout building your online business you can try My Top Recommendation remember I built this website with all to step by step training that found there and quit Uber Eat delivery within a year

Your Feedback Regarding Affiliate Institute Review and What is Your Experience

Thank you for stopping by if you find this review of Affiliate Institute informative please click on to social sharing button to share with your followers.

But if you have experience with this Affiliate Institute bad of good please leave your comment it will help some to decide what they are signup for.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram whenever I review a program or app that promise to make online on to internet you will be to first one to know about it and it will help you to not waste your time on some app and program online.

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