Affiliate Institute Review – Everything You Need to Know

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Pandemic has made us realize the importance of making money online. But the problem is there are many quacks out there who claim to teach how to make money online.

Many innocent people get trapped in their scams. And recently, there is a lot of fuss about Affiliate Institute over the internet.

Since you are here, I will assume that you already have planned to buy an Affiliate Institute Membership.

But after scrolling through a lot of web pages, you are confused. So we bought you a most honest and unbiased Affiliate Institute Review.

In my Affiliate Institute Review I will cover:

  • What is the Affiliate Institute?
  • How does the Affiliate Institute work?
  • Is it a legit or scam?
  • What are the pros and cons of Affiliate Institute Membership?
  • The alternative to Affiliate Institute

About Affiliate Institute

Like many other online educational programs out there, Affiliate Institute is an online education platform that claims to help people master affiliate marketing.

In case you don’t know anything about affiliate marketing, it is the art of promoting any company’s product and getting a commission for each product you sell.

But you must be wondering what special and unique is about affiliate institute. Unfortunately, there is not much information visible on the website of Affiliate Institute that makes it a little bit shady.



However, we have got everything covered about the Affiliate institute. The company is owned by Julian Sharma and Mathiew Jung.

Well, there is a mysterious history of the company. The company was formerly known as Global Affiliate Zone (founded in 2015), or we can say AI is a rebrand of GBZ.

But you might think why there was a need to rebrand the company. Well, not only one answer can provide enough justification. 

Some people say Julian rebranded his company in 2019 to comply with the government accreditation process. So they can award a diploma/certificate to their students.

Yes, it can be true to some extent, as Affiliate Institute is registered by the government. But there is a lot more to the story.

Back in time, Global Affiliate Zone was not a well-reputed company. It was accused of being an MLM scheme promoting certain products.

I will discuss the rest of the story in upcoming sections of the articles. 

Coming back to the Affiliate Institute educational program, It covers all the basics of affiliate marketing. It primarily focuses on one method of affiliate marketing and teaches you about building affiliate funnel sites, content writing, copywriting, setting up advertisement paid ads on Facebook.

In case you don’t know what a sales funnel is, It is a process of bringing your customer closer to buying your offer through multiple marketing actions like automated emails, videos, and articles that promote the selling of your offer.

How does Affiliate Institute work?

As said earlier, AI is an institute that teaches you how to earn money online through affiliate marketing. But nothing can be gained for free.

Following are the steps to get full access to AI. 

Free Web Class

You can\’t get direct access to membership. First of all, you will need to attend their free web class hosted by Julian Sharma. You can register your seat for the upcoming web class on their website. 

Well, if your heart develops a soft corner after you get to know about their web class. Stop for a moment. It\’s a whole marketing strategy trying to convince you to get their paid membership. 

In the web class, you will get to know about the journey of Julian Sharma, how he ended up working as a personal trainer. 


He will teach you about setting up functional ad campaigns in 24 hours, his methodology to generate sales with affiliate marketing.

You will also get to know about the tools he used to source products, launch ads, and scale campaigns. At the end of the 1-hour session,  they will push you to get their Level 1 subscription. 

AI pro Level 1 membership

It’s going to cost you 99$ per month. At this level, you will be learning about building affiliate businesses, choosing offers, affiliate funnels, and setting up paid advertisements. 

You will get an opportunity to talk with an advisor through a 1-on-1 call, access to the Affiliate institute Facebook group, additional courses, high ticket offers, and affiliate campaigns. 

At the moment, you enrol for Level 1 membership; you will be given access to the course in the form of training videos, tools, live Q&A sessions, and a Facebook community. 

Level 2 membership

After completing level 1, there is a level 2 membership waiting for you. It’s not only rich in providing value but also going to burn a hole in your pocket.

It’s worth $2995. 

Level 2 is about more detailed sessions and coaching. AI claims  Level 2 will help you make more effective content that converts and creates consistent leads. 


The price of this level is not disclosed yet. 

How to earn with Affiliate Institute?/How much can I earn with Affiliate Institute?

You can earn by setting up the business following the method by Affiliate Institute. Here are the few steps you will have to go through:

  1.  Join AI
  2. Purchase Kangen water purring machine (it’s optional)
  3. Create campaign
  4. Run Facebook ads

By selling each machine, you are going to earn a heavy amount of commission since it’s a high-ticket product.

But there would be a lot of competition, as most members who join Affiliate Institute end up selling these machines. You can also take another route. AI also claims to teach amazon associates.

Why should you not join Affiliate Institute? 

The answer is not as simple as the question is. However, before digging a hole for yourself by joining Affiliate Institute, here are the following facts you need to know. 

It’s Misleading

AI claims to teach you affiliate marketing. Right? But they end up pushing you to step inside the world of MLM. And one more thing, they don\’t disclose the prices of the next level beforehand. 

They will push you into the MLM scheme

Different marketers have different views about the whole matter. But let me give you an insight into a whole story leaving the judgment to you. 

Enagic is a Japanese company that was formed in1974. It has been selling Kangen water purifying machines since 1998. 

You must be thinking now what Enagic has to do with AI? Here is the twist in the story.  The cofounders of AI, Julian Sharma and Mathiew Jung are distributors of Engiac.

In simple words, they will get a commission if they manage to sell the water purifying machine. They will also get a percentage if they can recruit new distributors into the scheme. 

You must be wondering what’s wrong with it if they are into MLM schemes. Well, the product they are promoting is not giving any value to customers. Kangen water purifying machines filter acid water from alkaline water.




As per Mayoclinic—a trusted source—there is no scientific basis that verifies the claims made by supporters of alkaline water.

However, regular drinking of alkaline water is likely to cause gastrointestinal issues and agitate the body’s normal PH. 

Have you got the whole point?

AI is pushing you to promote the product that’s not providing value to customers. And such types of businesses don’t last long. 

They will not teach you all about Affiliate marketing

AI claims to make their students an expert in affiliate marketing. But the truth is, they only focus on one method of affiliate marketing i.e., building affiliate funnel sales and how to run costly Facebook ads to send traffic to them. 

Affiliate marketing is not only about paid traffic, especially, if you are a beginner and don’t have sources to invest.

Youtube, building up niche websites are also a part of it.

What about organic traffic. Don’t get me started on the importance of SEO. Who will deny the importance of SEO in 2021? 

Are you looking for how to build a niche website and get organic traffic? You can check My Top Recommendation to learn how to make money online with Internet and Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Institute Pros and Cons


Despite all its flaws, I like a few things about Affiliate Institute. 

Incredible support system

AI offers an incredible support system. They offer their customers to join the AI Facebook community where they can interact with respective fellows and experts.

There also would be a 1-on-1 call with your advisor weekly where you can discuss all of your problems faced during training. 

14-days money-back guarantee

They offer you 14 days money-back guarantee. You can get your money back if you don’t like their method within 14 days of joining. Beware and explore AI as much as you can to avoid falling into their trap. 

Update content

They claim to update their content regularly. And that’s what most of the educational institutes are lacking and their content becomes outdated. 


Well, a lot of fuss is around there over the internet. However, there are few prominent cons everyone should know:


Needless to say, it’s too expensive. And you have to pay monthly to maintain their subscription. Even if you pay one time, it’s still expensive.

Further, they will push you to buy a Kangen water purifying machine which can cost you thousands of dollars. Although it’s optional, still at times, you will feel the need to buy it. 

No direct access to higher programs

If you are already an intermediate in affiliate marketing and want to directly enrol in level 2, AI would not allow you to do that.

You have to attend the 1-hour webinar and waste money on a level 1 membership then you will be able to get level 2 access. 

Lack of transparency

There is not much visible on the website of Affiliate Institute. Even the prices are not disclosed properly. You won’t get even nearly half of the information that you have gotten through this article over their website. 

Is Affiliate Institute legit or merely a scam?

To be honest, It would be wrong to call it a mere scam. They provide their students access to learning videos and offer customer support, 1-on-1 call, and Facebook community support.

Instead of calling it a mere scam, I would prefer to call it a shady program. Because they mislead their student and don\’t display much information. 

Is the Affiliate Institute worth joining it? 

After knowing all about it, it’s you who should decide if the Affiliate Institute is worth joining. If you are into MLM schemes and want to sell high ticket products like Kangen water purifying machines, there is no debate.

However, in the next section,  I am going to present you with some alternatives to affiliate institutes depending on what you are looking for and your budget.

Better Alternatives to Affiliate Institute 

Before making any decision about joining Affiliate Institute, here are the few alternatives that provide better value to their students. 

Wealthy Affiliate program is my top recommendation program for everyone out there who wants to learn the internet and affiliate marketing and make passive income at the comfort of your home with your laptop and internet connection



 They won’t push you to buy and promote any expensive products. And guess what? They will teach you how to drive free organic traffic through SEO and social media.

They will help you learn how to build a niche website and cover all the aspects of affiliate marketing. Adding further value to the package, the program is not costly as well.

So, what are you waiting for? 

You can start your 10 free training here no credit card require and you will have a free website to kick start with your internet and affiliate marketing online business.

Another alternative is Forex Signals is a good option for those who are excited to step inside the world of forex trading. 



Forex trading is a global marketplace for the exchange of currencies. It is a profitable business. Forex Signals Program provides their member access to learning materials. It also provides guidance and analysis of signals by experts. 

Affiliate Institute Review – My Final Verdict

I presented all the facts and reality of the Affiliate Institute training program. Anybody who wishes to promote Engiac can join Affiliate Institute.

However, there are plenty of affordable options that teach you a lot more affiliate marketing. You can also check My Top Recommendation to learn how to make money online with the internet and affiliate marketing.

But what matters most, in the end, is the right mindset and dedication.

Your Affiliate Institute Review

Are you a member of Affiliate Institute, or have you been in the past? Please consider leaving your own review and your experience good or bad it does not matter so long as it is helpful to our visitors.

Thanks for your support!

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6 thoughts on “Affiliate Institute Review – Everything You Need to Know”

  1. Hi Syeda Shah, to be honest, it is the first time for me to hear about Affiliate Institute. I want to compliment sharing such detailed information and facts about it. I consider it much expensive than my budget to subscribe and learn from this program. In place of it or something else,  I chose Wealthy Affiliate to learn and build my sites. It is your first recommendation, too. In my opinion, this Affiliate Institute is not worthy for a beginner who wants to learn about online marketing, but in the end, it is a personal decision to make by everyone. 

     If somebody, decide to subscribe and change his mind. Why explore this Ai program longer? Do you think is something worthy inside it? 

    Thank you again for your good post.


    1. Yes, Affiliate Institute is very expensive and the waste part they do not teach how to generate organic traffic. You will need to dig down into your pocket for Facebook ads. Affiliate Institute is not beginner-friendly.

  2. Hi there! I appreciate your honest review of this surface. I’m not a big fan of multi level marketing because I feel like it is a high effort and low profit scheme. It’s good to see websites like yours give unbiased reviews of services such as these because many people in desperate situations can fall victim to false promises. Are there any other affiliate programs besides wealthy affiliate and affiliate institute that you would recommend?

    1. Thank you for stopping by I am glad you enjoy reading my Affiliate Institute Review. Besides Wealthy Affiliate, I do not have anything in my mind right now. But I can also recommend you SBI! for WordPress, it is very affordable. I will also advise you to stay in one platform switching from one affiliate program to another will only delay your success for making money online.

  3. Hmm, this seemed like a good platform. But after reading your post I have realized that this is not the best educational program to join. The high price would be ok if they delivered quality on their course. Thank you very much for giving us alternatives to Affiliate Institute. I will check that platform too.

    1. Go ahead and check out the alternatives to Affiliate Institute there is nothing to lose it is free to drive test those platforms.

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