Is affiliate Marketing worth it

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It in 2021- [Quick Explanation By A Guru]

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I have decided to answer other popular questions about affiliate marketing. Is affiliate marketing worth it? Is affiliate marketing a waste of time?

If you are considering becoming an affiliate marketer, you probably know that there is a massive amount of information online.

Myths, rumours, advice, hacks, success stories, fails, case studies, and promises of making money while you sleep.

I can simply answer those questions by yes or no.

But I do not add any value to your questions. What I want is to demonstrate that Affiliate Marketing is worth your time and it is not a waste of time.

You can also check out My Affiliate Marketing FAQ (Frequently Answer Question) this will help you to get more answers about other popular Affiliate Marketing questions.

I also have an Affiliate Marketing Guide for beginners that you can check out to have a clear understanding of this billionaire industry.

That is not all.

If you give me 5 minutes of your time and I would show you how you can start your successful full affiliate marketing business and make money.

Therefore, if you are in a hurry you can also watch this video below. It also answers the question that you are looking for.

Please bear with me for my French accent…

Is Affiliate Marketing worth it or a waste of time?

I get this question most of the time and you will find a batch of those questions on Reddit, Quora and other online platforms.

To answer those questions we need to understand that affiliate marketing is a business model and every business is worth it.

If you have the right skills, a good business plan, a clear vision and mission, a goal to achieve and good strategies to implement.

Then you will succeed in any business whether offline or online.

If you want to start a book store, restaurant or any retail store. You need to have the skills to manage your business and how to attract customers to your store (marketing).

It’s the same as affiliate marketing. Even though running a book store or restaurant need more capital than affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing can cost you less than $50 per month which is less than $2 per day that you spend on your lunch and other unnecessary stuff.

If you cut those expenses and invest in this business model you can make a decent income online and work from home with your laptop and internet connection.

That is the only capital you need unless you need to accelerate the process of getting traffic and make more sales.

Everyone can effort it and it makes the business more competitive.

The investment is to host your website and have other tools to run your affiliate marketing business.

Affiliate marketing is a billionaire industry. It is worth your energy, your time and your effort to build a successful online business.

You probably won’t reap the reward on the same day.

It is more like sowing.


You cannot plough, sow and harvest and eat on the same day.

It is impossible!

If you understand this principle then you are welcome to start your Affiliate marketing journey and Wealthy Affiliate is a very good platform to learn this business model step by step.

They offer 10 free lessons including one website to kick start your online business and a keyword research tool to help you find the best keyword and analyse your competition.

You can sign up without sharing your credit card information and you can remain a free member for a lifetime.

But you will find more advanced training for $49 per month it includes 10 websites, a web builder, hosting, weekly webinar and unlimited keyword research.

Affiliate Marketing is a commission-based business

They are many commission-based businesses and you can earn a good commission if you have set up a good business plan, goals and also implement good strategies to achieve those goals.

Let me explain more.

  • Car Dealerships
  • Real State

Are commission-based businesses although they are offline and online businesses. They are many other online commission-based businesses too.


  • Dropshipping
  • Social Media Manager

I will stick to those two offline and online commission-based businesses that most people are familiar with and what I am going to explain in the next section will make more sense and decide if Affiliate Marketing is worth it or a waste of time

Car Dealership

They are a lot car dealership some are successful and other less successful. Other open and close. You can not say this business model is not worth it.

Let look at the market size in the Car Dealership.

According to the market size of the Car Dealers industry is $36.2bn in 2021. There is a lot of money to be made in this industry and the potential to make money is there.

People buy cars every day.

You will agree with me some people have failed in this billionaire industry.

Can you say the business is not worth it?

Please leave your comment in the comment section I want to hear from you.

I think people who fail in this industry lack the skills or the strategies to make this business worth it.

Real Estate

It is also a commission-based business and it is a trillionaire industry. You can check out the Real Estate Market Size Report 20/21

They are many examples I can give.

Some businesses start today and vanish tomorrow. Others are still operating and make money.


They have skills, goals, a clear vision and mission and a good business plan. They still punishing no matter how they face some challenges.

Look at the damage COVID 19 has done to some businesses.

It is the same with affiliate marketing.

Some affiliate marketers also face some challenges and they still pushing no matter how.

Their goals are to succeed in this business or escape the rat race of the 9 to 5 and the employment slavery.

Google Algorithm update affect some websites and some affiliate marketers lose traffics. Some quit and others are still in the business.

I have lost 90% of my website traffic before and I am still here.

In the online world of the affiliate marketing business fails to occur is when you quit…

This business model does not need must capital with $50 per month you are all set. You do not need any customer service and other headaches that involve managing your business.

I found this article the 101 Interesting Affiliate Marketing Stats (Updated 2021) very interesting.

You can see the screenshot of the featured snippet below


There is a very high potential to make money online with affiliate marketing. If you need a share in this billionaire industry you need to learn how to generate sales.

Affiliate marketing is a learning curve when you will need to be involved in learning new skills, new strategies and other business trends.

If you want to succeed in this business model or start a successful affiliate marketing business from scratch.

You can check out My Top Recommendation platform and learn how to build a stream of income online.

One thing you need to know about affiliate marketing is. People fail in this business because they do not have the skills to generate traffic and sales.

They don’t take action or they give up as soon as they face challenges or they do not see results in a few months.

Lack of patience is the problem. Rome was not built in one day.

This business model needs more time and effort to build your online foundation to start seeing results and money.

It’s not a get rich quick scheme or overnight success.

Some people make their first sale within 3 months or 6 months. If you need money now you probably need a job.

A job pays you to perform some tasks and you do not care if the business is doing well or not. All you need is your salary.

You do not care how much the owner struggled to make his business worth it and successful.

Affiliate marketing is not a job. It is a business model and you need to work hard to make it worth it and successful.

If you are willing to invest time, effort and mostly take action. You will reap the reward in no time.

They are a lot of money to be made as an Affiliate Marketer and this business model is worth your time and effort.

If you work smart, you learn the skills you need and implement strategies you will have a share of this $12 billion industry.

You can also check out my Affiliate Marketing Case Study and see how many people are making.

Some are making 5 to 6 figure income just with a laptop and internet connection.

Is Affiliate Marketing worth it or a waste of time – My Final Verdict

Affiliate marketing is the same as other businesses. It needs a road map to set up a successful business and make money.

If you want to join this business model you will need to be able to learn and be alarmed for the new trends in the business.

Is affiliate marketing worth it?

Yes, It is worth it and the sky is the limit when it comes to revenue you can make.

Is affiliate marketing a waste of time?

It depends!

It can be a waste of time for some people who are starting this business for the wrong reason.

You may ask what is the wrong reason?

“Make Money Fast” or “Looking for fix quick financial solution. You know those videos or posts on Facebook groups.

Make $1,500 per day or more.

You can actually make such money with affiliate marketing. But it does not mean it will happen in your first or 3 months.

Therefore if you do not see the result as in those videos or Facebook groups and realize the amount of work you need to put in to make $1500 per day.

You will give up and waste time.

But if you are focus and you have a goal to achieve. You will be working first on building your online foundation and if you like what you do.

No matter how long it takes to make your first sale you will still be going to push to reach your goal.

You can start your free training with Wealthy Affiliate is also My #1 recommendation to learn step by step how to build an online business with affiliate marketing.

It also gives some tools to stay on top of your game.

Quick questions and please share your experience

What is your experience with affiliate marketing? Is it worth it to start an affiliate marketing business or it is waste of time?

Please share your experience in the comment whether good or bad it does not matter as long as your comment is useful to my reader.


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