Foap App Review

Foap App Review – Earn Money by Uploading Photo Scam?

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In this comprehensive Foap App Review, I will explain in depth how users are earning money by uploading and selling photos and videos on the platform.

Therefore if you are wondering if Foap is a scam or a genuine mobile application that you can rely on to make a living online.

You have come to the right place.

I have spent 12 hours analysing the site and their mobile application to give my readers an unbiased Foap App Review.

In this comprehensive Foap App Review, I will cover:

  • What is Foap All about?
  • How does Foap work
  • If Foap is legit or a scam
  • Foap Pros and Cons
  • The alternative to Foap

Without further ado let’s get started

Foap App Review
  • EASE


Foap is a marketplace that connects photographers of any level with potential buyers looking for high-quality and authentic visual content for their marketing.

  • Company name: Foap
  • Website:
  • Owner: David Los and Alexandra Bylund
  • Product/Service: Brands & Agencies
  • Cost: $0
  • Is Foap legit: YES
  • The Wealthy Academy Rating: 2.3/5.0
  • Do I recommend this? No

If you want to build a serious business and make passive income you can check #1 Recommendation Platform for step-by-step training to make money with your laptop and internet connection.

What is Foap all about and how it works?

Foap is a marketplace that connects photographers of any level with potential buyers looking for high-quality and authentic visual content for their marketing.

The platform was launched in 2011 by David Los and Alexandra Bylund.

Co-founder of Foap

David is co-founder and the CEO and Alexandra is the head of production.

The main focus of creating Foap was to build a community that helps solve the daunting problem of filtering photos and maintaining great-quality photos.

Users of are called Foaper, you will need to upload photos or videos from your phone to the Foap App also known as Foap Market.

Your photos need to go through a community check before they get published on the Foap Market.  

Then your photos will be rated out of five by Foapers.

Therefore, if you score an average rating of 2.5 or more, your photos will appear in the Foap Market and be ready to be sold.

This is how the Foap App works and it is available worldwide.

If you are interested in selling your photo all you need is to download their mobile application available on iOS and Android.

Then you have to create your account by providing your email address and also create your password.

How to earn money with the Foap App

You can earn money with Foap by uploading and selling your photos and videos or by winning rewards when you participate in the mission.

You can also get free products from brands as a Foap Plus member.

Below is how you can make money with as a Foaper

Uploading and Selling Photos

You can upload your photos to Foap Market and use some tags and describe your images to make it easy for potential buyers to find them.

Once your photos are rated over 2.5 they will be available in the marketplace.

 Then buyers from all over the world can search and buy them for $10 each and you will split your revenue with Foap.

They take a cut of 50 per cent of your revenue.

The more unique and high-quality photos you upload the higher the chance of getting buyers.

Mission or contest

Mission offers an incredible opportunity to earn up to $4000.

Brand are giving a certain mission to Foaper to complete and the winner will be rewarded in cash.

Once you create your account and sign in.

You will need to follow at least 5 brands in the crowds-tap to have missions assigned to you.

Brands need specific photos and they will give you instructions to follow for you to achieve what they need.

You will get a mission and the instructions just like this below:

Foap Mission

“Enfamil is the #1 baby formula brand recommended by paediatricians.

🤰🏼 We want to see how pregnant moms prepare for the baby’s arrival.

🌸 Maybe the expecting mom is reading a book on babies?

🌸 Maybe she’s decorating the baby’s room or washing / folding baby clothes?

🌸 Maybe she’s organizing baby toys or diapers?

✅ DOs

▪️ Use good, natural light

▪️ Keep the background of the photo clean and tidy

▪️ Keep the expecting mom in the centre of the frame

▪️ The photos will be cropped

⛔️ DON’Ts

▪️ Do not show any branded items

▪️ Do not wear patterned, noisy clothing

▪️ Avoid strong distracting colours in the photos


All photos uploaded by users in this mission and purchased by the brand need to have exclusive rights, and can not be resold anywhere else by the user.

Do NOT upload photos that were previously sold to any other entity than the Enfamil brand.”

Therefore, if you follow all the instructions and be more creative you will stand a chance to win the price that they are offered.

There are two types of missions to execute in the Foap App.

There is a normal and premium mission.

The normal mission has only one winner but the premium mission has multiple winners of up to 60.

To complete premium missions, you must buy Foap coins or wash video ads and earn 5 Foap coins per video.

Foap Plus

Foap Plus is another way to earn free products from brands by participating in the brand’s mission

To become a member of Foap Plus, you just have to keep working on missions until Foap notices you and selects you to become part of Foap Plus.

Is Foap legit or a scam

Although Foap’s rate on Trustpilot is 2.8 of 5 that does not make the platform a scam.

Therefore if you read throughout the comment mostly is about the low earnings that Foaper are earning.

In the comment sections, you can also read one Foaper who earned $57.00 and the payment took time to arrive.  

This proves that Foap is a legit platform to earn some money online by selling photos and videos although the platform has some cliché.

If you do not want to sell photos and videos you can also check out Timebucks to earn some cash online.

They will pay for things that you are doing daily such as watching videos and downloading mobile applications.

Also, Surveytime and Ysense can pay you for completing online surveys and other microtasks.

However, you can make passive income by learning how to build a niche website with Wealthy Affiliate instead of earning pennies on those platforms

Foap Pros and Cons

People have different expectations, especially in Making Money Online Worlds.

Let me analyse what could be your deal breaker in this Platform


Earning Opportunity

Some people are obsessed with taking photos and videos if you are that person you can upload them here and start earning some cash.

Therefore if you are a professional photographer you can participate in the mission and stand a chance to win up to $4000

PayPal Payment

I have been making money online for a while now and the platform that pays the users with PayPay is very legit.

PayPal is stress-free when it comes to receiving your money and transferring it to your credit cards.


Limited Earning

Although the platform pays up to $4000 for participating in the mission there is no guarantee that you can win that reword.

Some Foapers have reported earning less than $25 .0per month since the platform is overcrowded with many Foapers

No Guarantee Earning

As Foaper you can not rely on this platform to make decent money and pay your bills.

The earning on this platform is not guaranteed and the waste part you share 50% of your sales with

Therefore, if you do not like the sound of that and you want to learn how to make money online step by step with your laptop and internet connection.

You can check out My Top Recommendation Platform and start learning the right way.

Alternative to

There are many different ways to make money online and selling photos and videos on platforms like Foap is one of them.

You can also make money online by completing online surveys and other online micro-tasks on this platform below:

Those platforms can be the alternative to and you can sign up with a lot of them to increase your earnings.

Therefore, there is another alternative to making passive income online which is what I do and it is one of the best ways to make money online and build a stream of income.

The process of starting your money-making machine is resumed in the picture below:

You pick your niche which can be passion or hobby, and then you create a website where people can land.

Your website is your front store where people online can visit.

Then create content that attracts visitors and earns revenue.  

If you look around this post there are ads and Google is paying me to place those ads on my website.

This post can be online for years or even decades I will still earn money as long as people are reading this Foap App Review.

But this is not the only way to monetize your niche website.

You can also do Affiliate Marketing and earn affiliate commissions with your niche website and people make 5 to 6 figures with this business model.

But is not overnight success or a get-rich-quick scheme.

It needs work, consistency and patience.

If you want to learn how the whole process works you can check out My Top Recommendation platform to build a niche website and monetize your website with Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing.

This is the best alternative to Foap and other methods of earning money online, as I mentioned in this Foap Review.

Foap App Review – Conclusion

The idea of selling your photos and videos online using your phone and earning some money on this platform is great.

But to some people, this will sound too good to be true.

So they will need to know the legitimacy of the Foap app that why most of you are searching for Foap Review.

As I mentioned earlier Foap is a legitimate platform to sell your photos and videos online and earn some cash.

But you can not rely on this platform to earn decent money online or even quit your job.

You can only earn $5 per photo you sell or if you are lucky enough win good cash in Foap Mission

To earn decent money you can try out My Top Recommendation Platform to learn how to build a niche website and earn passive income online.

You can also try Legendary Marketer to learn how to sell other people’s High Ticket Products and Services and Earn Affiliate Commission.

Now I would like to turn things over to you: Did I miss anything that I did not cover in this review?

Do you think Foap is a good gig for you?

Or maybe you have other tricks I did not cover here that help you make more money.

Either way, let me know and leave a comment below.

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