Savage Affiliates Review — Franklin Hatchett Exposed

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Welcome to my Savage Affiliates Review!

Do you want to make crazy money online while doing nothing?

Truth be told, it can be a dream of anyone.

But the process to get that money is not easy. Meanwhile, the internet is loaded with fake gurus who take advantage of the dreams of these ambitious people. 

I am here to help you guys prevent falling into the traps of such treacherous people.

After reviewing Income School Project 24, I am going to discuss every detail and rumour concerning Savage affiliates.

In this complete Savage Affiliate Review, I am going to cover: 

  • What is Savage Affiliates?
  • What’s inside the Savage Affiliates?
  • Pricing of Savage Affiliates
  • Are the rumours about Franklin Hatchett true?
  •  Is Savage Affiliates a legit website?
  • Alternatives to Savage Affiliate

So without further ado, let’s get started.

Savage Affiliates Review
  • EASY


Savage Affiliate is a great Affiliate Marketing training but it is lacking tools to kick start your online business as a student of Savage Affiliate you will need to outsource more tools that can be a hidden cost.

If you want to start your Affiliate Marketing journey and have all the tools in one place I will advise check out My Top Recommendation platform and connect with over 2 million Affiliate Marketers from around the world.

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What is Savage Affiliates?

Savage Affiliate is a training course that teaches people how to do affiliate marketing and earn passive income. Franklin Hatchett founded this course in 2018. 


Savage Affiliate is unique from other training courses in terms that it covers all methods to do affiliate marketing.

It talks about everything from building websites to choosing products and promoting them through paid and free traffic.

Savage Affiliates also covers building standalone affiliate marketing funnels.

Till now, it has received two updates.

Savage affiliates 2.0 is the latest update that Frank updated in 2020.

In this savage affiliate review, we will be mainly focusing on savage affiliate 2.0. It has about 30 hours of video training. 

Savage Affiliate has two versions: standard course and super savage affiliate. In the upcoming sections, I will be explaining the difference between these two.

Who is Franklin Hatchett? 

Franklin Hatchett, also commonly known as Frank, is a digital entrepreneur from New Zealand. He was a construction worker with a dream to be an online entrepreneur.  He slowly built the assets that allow him to quit his job and work full time as an entrepreneur. 

\"FranklinFranklin has multiple sources of income. He is an affiliate marketer and promotes well-reputed programs like Clickfunnels, Clickbank, Get response and Bluehost.

Adding more information to your knowledge, he also won an award ‘2 comma club’ with click funnels for earning more than one million dollars. 

He has also made his place in the world of dropshipping. Besides teaching Savage Affiliate, he has another course named ecom elites, where he teaches how to build a store, find a niche, and research a product. 

He also got his youtube channel, where he gives tips related to affiliate marketing and eCommerce business. At the moment, he has 393 videos on his channel and 399k subscribers. 

How to make money with Savage Affiliate? 

Remember, Savage Affiliate is a training course that means you will be only learning tips and tricks to run your successful affiliate business. 

In fact, one of the modules of SA is dedicated to click funnels where Frank is showing with the help of a case study how he made money in huge numbers by promoting click funnels.

If you decide to replicate Frank’s blueprint, you are mostly going to make money with Clickfunnels. 

However, you need to do some of the few things if you want to get successful with SA. 

By implementing all the strategies 

Well, this is not specific for SA. To get results from any training course, you need to follow and implement all the instructor\’s strategies. 

By putting in all your efforts

To succeed in every walk of life, one must be willing to put in the effort and hard work. Success is for those who try.

There might be a possibility that you fail, but don’t consider it as your ultimate failure. You are going to fall and stand up again. So keep trying until you taste the sweetness of success. 

You are not looking for a quick-rich night scheme

If you are impatient and want success right away at your doorstep, you will not benefit from SA, in fact, any training course.

You will be continuously wondering about making money rather than learning affiliate marketing. Plus, the process of getting revenue from affiliate marketing takes some time.

There are a lot of technicalities involved in it. 

Savage Affiliate Pricing 

One of the good things about Savage Affiliate is its pricing. It’s super budget-friendly, even for beginners.

The standard course can cost you $197, while Super savage Affiliate will cost you $297. It’s a one-time payment and has no recurring fees. 

You can easily upgrade from standard to super savage affiliate by paying $100. 



Only a few of the online courses are beginner-friendly, like Wealthy Affiliates. The rest of the training course can easily cost you up to $1000. 

You might be wondering why the cost of Savage Affiliates is so low?

It is the cost of training only. You will need to buy other tools to establish an online business that can cost you a couple of hundreds of dollars. 

You can check My Top Recommendation platform that offers everything in one place: hosting, web builder, keyword research, and weekly webinar.

Better yet you can sign up for free to drive test the training no credit card is required

Are rumours about Franklin true? 

After reading other blogs, you have come to know that Frank is accused of making misleading claims. I personally, verified it.

Yes, the rumours are true.

Let me prove it. 

When you head over to the sales page of Savage Affiliates, you will notice 60% off written under each course. That makes the price of the standard course $497 and the super course $697.



 According to my research, it never happened since the course existed.

The 60% off offer was always available there, and never the prices were $497 and $697. It makes clear that Frank use pressure tactics to increase the sales of his course. 

If you are still confused, I have got another proof for you. One of his students complained that Franklin promised to show him examples of his students who made great money after completing the course.

But he never fulfilled his promise and came up with an excuse that it\’s private information. You can read the full story here.

Is Savage Affiliates legit? 

Yes, Savage Affiliates is a legit course. It covers almost everything related to affiliate marketing. Further, he offers a 30-day refund policy.

But I would still not recommend it to you due to several reasons. 

Franklin seems to make many misleading claims, and I would never want my readers to trust a person like him. 

The tools are also quite expensive, and if someone is planning to outsource the content, it would be too costly. You can check My Top Recommendation that provides many tools that will help you kick start your online business. 

What’s inside the savage affiliate 2.00? 

There are ten modules plus a bonus module inside the savage Affiliates. Each module roughly contains 5-20 training videos.

  1. Affiliate products to promote
  2. Building your website asset 
  3. Email marketing and funnels
  4. ClickBank Affiliate marketing
  5. ClickFunnels Affiliate marketing
  6. Amazon Affiliate marketing 
  7. SEO Google traffic training
  8. Free traffic training 
  9. Paid traffic training
  10. Launch Jacking and webhosting

Savage Affiliates Pros and Cons


Covers all methods of Affiliate Marketing

Many of the affiliate training courses don’t cover all related to affiliate marketing. For example, Affiliate Institute only focuses on building affiliate sites and paid traffic. 

Savage Affiliates covers broad aspects of affiliate marketing. It teaches all about from paid to non paid and SEO traffic. 

Active community

After getting a subscription to Savage Affiliates, you will get access to their private community, which is very helpful.

Refund policy

Frank offers a 30-days money-back guarantee. So anyone that does not like the course can get his money back within 30 days. But, there are some requirements to meet for a refund.

Frank makes sure that someone really puts effort into implementing his strategies. Fair enough!


Not proven results 

After spending hours researching about this course, I didn’t find any results that can inspire me.

Although some reviews are on its sales page, they seem to be quite praising Frank rather than his course. So, there may be a possibility that they are the students of another course named ecom elites

Recommend expensive tools

I praise Franklin for the budget-friendly training course, but the story does not end here. He recommends tools that can burn a hole in the pocket of a beginner. 

Here is a list of tools he recommends: 

Ahrefs = $99 per month

Get response = $15 per month

ClickFunnels = $97 per month 

Bluehost (for website hosting domain) = $4 per month 

See, it can easily cost you more than $200. 

The problem is not only that Frank recommends expensive tools, but he is not transparent about it. You won’t be told anything about it before buying his course.

Check My Top Recommendation platform that offers many tools without any additional cost and it is free to drive test the training no credit card required. 

Earning commission from his students

Have you noticed that he is an affiliate of the products he recommend? It means he is earning a commission each time his students purchase the tools. 

Like I said before, these tools are not beginner-friendly. But still, Franklin recommends them. He put more focus on earning commission than creating ease for his students. 

Alternatives to Savage Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliates is the best alternative to Savage Affiliates. You can join wealthy affiliates for free and get a freemium subscription for as long as you want.

See, there is no risk involved in it. 

You will also get access to training material, premium keyword analysis tools and 10 free websites for just $49 a month. 

You can also check out My Affiliate Marketing Case Study and see how people are making passive income with Wealthy Affiliate\’s training.

If you are still looking for the Alternative to Affiliate Marketing. You can check out as per name is Forex Trading education platform here you will learn step by step on how to trade in Forex Market and make a lot of money. also have a 7-day free trial you can check it out if you are more interested in Forex Trading.

Savage Affiliates Review – Final Verdict

I reviewed savage affiliates and presented all the facts you needed to know before signing up. I have also shown Frank’s misleading claims.

Therefore, I would not recommend my reader to sign up for the course and there is hidden in cost. You have to outsource almost all the tools to start your online business with Affiliate Marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best alternative to a Savage Affiliates. You will find everything in one place to kick start your online business and make passive income.

Better yet you can have access to the 10 free training and have one website without providing your credit card information.

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